Putting Betta In With Other Fish


Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2006
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The sticky didnt have any of the species that I have in my tank. My young sister is getting releaved of having her male betta. My mom wanders if he can get along with any of my fish. Here are the ones I have

-3 cherry barbs
-3 zebra dainos
-1 "common plec"
-1 african dwarf frog
-1 black angel
-1 spotted cory
-2 kuli loaches

Will he get along with any of these fish?
The danios will nip its fins

The RTBS might also

I'm not sure if the Angel will do anything, someone could help you out a little bit more in that department...

You also need to add some more of the same fish to the tank, you need at least 4 corys and 6 Danios and at least 3 Kuhli's but 4 or more is better. Preferable 6 or more for the corys or kuhlis.
i have a male betta in a tank with

6 neon tetra
4 angels (abount an inch high

a pair of swords amd a guppy

and they get along great but i did have to get rid of a couple of danios becouse they where nasty

hope this has helped
I know Tiger Barbs have a reputation for being nippy. Don't know if that applies to Cherry Barbs as well. The danios I would say no to and the angels maybe. Since they have long finnage also the male betta may not like the angels.

I would be very concerned about the RTBS as they can be quite nasty and bettas are such slow moving fish...

Can't you keep the betta in the tank it's in right now? Or perhaps upgrade it if it's in a bowl? Worse comes to worse, you could always get one of those in-tank betta barracks and keep him in there. (Get the biggest one you can!)
My mom is trying to keep it in its 5 gal tank but my sis is so lazy and doesnt clean it at all. A week or 2 ago we had to put the betta in a other tank while me and my dad took the tank to the bathroom dumped all the water, cleaned the gravel, and wash all the plants. The algae was so horrible that it was like a carpet. Plus she always frogets to feed him and never does any of the water changes and ect. Were going to go to the store here soon and buy some algae control tablets after we finishing cleaning it again :no:
i have a male betta in a tank with

6 neon tetra
4 angels (abount an inch high

a pair of swords amd a guppy

and they get along great but i did have to get rid of a couple of danios becouse they where nasty

hope this has helped

WOW! That is one dangerous combination! Tetras and swords are nippy, and guppys and angels could get attacked by the betta, since they have long fins and could be confused with another betta. I'm glad it's worked for you so far, but I would consider putting the betta on his own.
Betta seem to do best with bottom feeders, they don't really get in confrontations as much. The fish you usually have to watch out for with them are small schooling fish.
would rosy red minnow's qualify as schooling fish? I've heard betta's get along okay with mountain minnows, but the only minnows any LFS have are Rosy red minnows... as feeder fish. I bought 5 for 12 cents each and added them to my sorority tank last night. after the initial, what the? everyone seems to have settled in and be getting along okay... I think its funny that -all- the fish in there ignore my pleko, whose already 6 inches and like, triple the size of the other fish, but they'll brush right up against him while swimming and not pay him any mind.
id go for the frog if anything.The barbs, danios, angels and definately the rtbs are a no no. most are too fast moving and nippy...sorry :/

id go for the frog if anything.The barbs, danios, angels and definately the rtbs are a no no. most are too fast moving and nippy...sorry

I have to disagree with that statement, when you said the barbs, Cherry Barbs are shy peaceful fish, unlike Tiger Barbs (unless of course when kept in a LARGE group)
sorry to hear captain :), thats just my experience with them. when i HAD gouramis and cherrys they liked to have a nibble. i dont believe in keeping active mid water fish with bettas. For me its bottom dwelling or nothing, hence the frog.

just my opinion

It all depends on your betta s attitude. I had an issue where I had to place my Betta in my community tank, do to an ammonia issue in his tank... I have 3 danios, 4 bloodfins, 5 glowlights, 2 glassfish, 2 honey red gouramis, 2 peppered corys, and 2 cardinals in my community tank. Once adding my betta ( Saskatoon ) to my community tank, the bloodfins tried nipping.. but my betta was so aggressive, he ended up owning the tank, and no one touched him.. He is now back in his own tank, and the cardinals are back in their tank as well.. so in my experience it depends on the personality of the betta... I would be more worried about your male guppies then anything else.

FYI, I probably would never have put him in with those fish to begin with, if it wasn t an emergency. but he managed to enjoy the 20 gallon tank and the free roam he had. it was definately HIS tank : ).

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