Purple Tetra


Fish Fanatic
Feb 16, 2004
Reaction score
Derbyshire..... Again
Hello everyone, just thought i'd ask if anyone on here had heard of these purple tetras, i found them in a fish shop that i'd never been to before, and just wanted to know if they were normal. they look kind of white with a black stripe and when they get under the light they look purple, they're quiet expensive too. Hope this makes sense?!?!? :)
Yep, definately sounds like emporer's, nice fish and something a little bit unusual.
yep they're the ones! Thanks for being very helpful, as usual! Its just at the shop, it just said "purple tetra" Crazy shop..... still going to go back and buy them.......
Shops regulaly make up a name on the spot if they aren't sure, that is why we get so many "I can't find any info about xxxxx" type questions.

Be aware, there are several species which are collectively called Emporer Tetras. The same general advice applies to all though.
Lateral Line said:
Be aware, there are several species which are collectively called Emporer Tetras. The same general advice applies to all though.
following up from that (I never knew that thanks LL)
Nematobrycon lacortei
Nematobrycon palmeri

There is also a black emporer tetra (N.palmeri [black])
it is debated to be either a seperate species a subspecies or a man made colour strain
Impaichthys kerri is also often just sold as an Emporer Tetra. I seem to recall at least one more, but the name escapes me - I'll think about it.

If you read the OP's description, I. kerri sounds disticntly possible.
I can see why Impaichthys kerri is often confused with emporers
royal tetras are a stunning looking fish too.

This is great looking into this all-to-common name :D

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