Purple Spotted Gudgeon


Fish Fanatic
Dec 2, 2006
Reaction score
Portadown, Co. Armagh, Northern Ireland
I bought a Purple Spotted Gudgeon at my local LFS on my way home from work & I don't know the 1st thing about them!

It was an impulse buy (most unlike me, I've been very careful so far) it was the last one in the shop & I was assured that if I had any problems I could return it.

My tank is a 50UK Gal 4'X18"X18" & the other tankmates are....

2 X Blue Rams
6 X Swartzii Corys
3 X Zebra Botia Loaches
1 X Leopard Frog Pleco
1 X Brown Dot Pleco
2 X Zebra Danios (cycling survivors)

I'd really appreciate any useful information on the fish & it's compatability (or not) with my current stock.


I bought a Purple Spotted Gudgeon at my local LFS on my way home from work & I don't know the 1st thing about them!

It was an impulse buy (most unlike me, I've been very careful so far) it was the last one in the shop & I was assured that if I had any problems I could return it.

My tank is a 50UK Gal 4'X18"X18" & the other tankmates are....

2 X Blue Rams
6 X Swartzii Corys
3 X Zebra Botia Loaches
1 X Leopard Frog Pleco
1 X Brown Dot Pleco
2 X Zebra Danios (cycling survivors)

I'd really appreciate any useful information on the fish & it's compatability (or not) with my current stock.



Hi Murph! I've seen this fish before & thought it was quite lovely. I was wondering about getting one for my tank. So, I did some resarch on it and discovered a few things about it. Eventually, I decided it would not be a good fit, so I have never owned one. Hopefully, an expert on this fish will chime in with some advice for you as well. :)

Purple Spotted Gudgeons inhabit the bottom of the tank, but they are really good jumpers, so you'll need to make sure you have a tight fitting lid. They also like hiding places (driftwood and plants). Apparently, they also strongly prefer live food (like small earthworms or brine shrimp). They will eat other fish, so they are considered aggressive. I'm not sure that your Danios will fare too well with the Gudgeon. It can grow to about 6 inches long. As adults, they can be fin nippers. I am not sure if it will bother the other bottom dwellers in your tank (like the plecos, loaches, and cory cats). The cories are so gentle and active that I would be a bit worried that the Gudgeon might try to take a nip at them.

Overall, I'm not too sure that Purple Spotted Gudgeon will make a good tank mate for your fish in the long run, but like I said, hopefully, someone with experience can give you their opinion as well. Hope this was somewhat helpful! :)
Hi lillykinloo, & thanks for the reply.

The PSG's been in with my other fish for a few hours now, & so far, so good, but I do wonder what the morning will bring. :unsure:

I can't stop watching it though . It'll really is a lovely confident fish & to be honest I'd love to keep it. So much so that If I thought that my Plecos would be ok with the PSG, I'd look at re-homing the others amongst my friends.

Hi lillykinloo, & thanks for the reply.

The PSG's been in with my other fish for a few hours now, & so far, so good, but I do wonder what the morning will bring. :unsure:

I can't stop watching it though . It'll really is a lovely confident fish & to be honest I'd love to keep it. So much so that If I thought that my Plecos would be ok with the PSG, I'd look at re-homing the others amongst my friends.

I keep mine in brackish water, it eats small fish so you might take that into consideration. I think they max size is around 6-7", mine is 6". I'm still learning about them as well.

Very nice fish there Mudfrog. :good: Showing beautiful colouring.

Might I ask what tank mates you keep with yours?

Anything else you've picked up about them, I'd love to hear.

Kept with a Violet Goby and 3 Columbian Sharks..

It loves to sit on top of his fake stump and just wait for me to come to feed him. It reminds me of my Oscar how it will beg for food when I approach the tank. It's also a pretty messy eater, it will munch on some food and spit it out and wait for something else.. not really picky.. dunno what it's problem is :blink:
I tried him with a few things food wise this evening & he's had a go at floating cichlid sticks, sinking catfish pellets & freeze dried bloodworms....Boy did it go for those bloodworms!

I'm tempted to go out & dig a few live earthworms for it, but it's black dark here & I'm sure the neighbours would wonder!! :lol:
Just to update, if anyone's interested,.... so far so good.

Although the PSG looks quite menacing he/she (?) has been as good as gold. Well apart from jumping out of the tank on the 2nd day!

I found it on the floor when I got in from work & feared the worst, but I saw it was still alive & put it back in the tank sharpish & it's fine. The hood of the tank is now taped down when I leave the house!

I fed it a few small earthworms this afternoon & they were devoured quick smart!

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