purple spot gudgeons

Yes, i keep 7 juveniles in a 20g and have kept and bred a spawning pair in there before them (their parents).

Once adult i wouldnt recomend keeping more than 2 pairs in a 20 and they should have no tankmates, the females grow largest and can reach 6"+. The will require a large internal or external power filter and bi weekly 20% water changes as they are carnivors and gready eaters. Be sure to provide many rocks and pieces of bogwood for them to form territories.
You could keep just one though i would recomend keeping a group since they are social toward one and other (apart from when breeding). They will eat whatever fits in their mouth, if your firemouth is less than 3" it may be eaten.
The bumblebee gobies will definately be eaten by the Morgurnda's (purple spot gudgeons), your 20g already sounds quite full if it has 2 firemouths (6" each full grown), 2 rainbows (up to 4" each depending on species) and the bumble bees, i wouldnt suggest adding another large fish to the ones you already have :no: .
man i just saw a purple spot at the lfs me and silva go to. that things a monster!!!

dont get it Silva.........wait till u get a bigger tank for him
I have a single Mogurnda in a 15 gal tank and I think he really missing being with his own kind. He has had 3 Coreys as tankmates since I got him and he spent most of his time sulking under a log. I have recently added a fiesty Gold Gourami and Morgan has perked up quite a bit, him and the Gourami pal around together all day. Hopefully I'll be able to find a couple more friends for him and relocate them to a 35 gal where they'll have more rome to swim. As CFC recomended if you do decide to get Mogurnda mogurnda definately get a few, they will be much more lively.

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