Purple Cichlid/Kribensis (Pelvicachromis Pulcher)


May 2, 2004
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Down a dark hole... Down a dark hole... with an ow
Hi there,

I have fallen in love with African Cichlids and as my tank is hardly setup for these predominantly aggressive fish i am wondering how i can incorporate these into my tank (without getting a new tank, not on the cards at the mo!).

Ideally (with Hindsight) i would have setup an environment where the fish originate from the same kind of area (incorporating my Syno Angelicus of course).

Basically il stop waffling and ask whether these "supposedly" more peaceful afrcian cichlids would be OK in my tank? as i was tols by my lfs i had no chance of keeping ANY afrcian C's in my tank with what i have at the moment.

Thanks ppl....
Not all african cichlids are super aggressive monsters, it mainly just the ones from the rift valley lakes that fit that description. Many of the west african species are suitable for non cichlid community tanks but unfortunately not many species are commonly seen in fish shops so you are limited to just kribs really.
In a community tank of robust fish that are not too small a pair of kribs can work quite well, but remember they are still cichlids and can be aggressive particularly when breeding, make sure to allow pleanty of places for other fish to hide if the kribs turn nasty and try to place a cave that the kribs will use as a home toward one end of the tank so that they dont start a territory right in the middle.
I have 2 female kribs in my 55, and they do just fine!! Even with my long-finned danios. But, I'll make a point here, it sometimes depends on the fish's personal temperment.
Also, if you don't want them breeding, get 2 of the same sex, 2 females are alot calmer, 2 males I think would fight, or just simply be too much cichlid in the tank.
A pair will get VERY terratorial when breeding, most likely taking over half the tank, with the rest of the tank inhabitants cowering in the corner!
Otherwise, Kribs are GREAT fish, and some of the new world cichlids are nice too, like rams.
Good luck!!
Robin :)
You could also try Keyhole cichlids, they are very peaceful and don't bother any other fish. Not as colorful as the kribs but have such characters I couldn't resist them, they are also very hardy fish and easy to keep!! :)
really for color i guess the kribs could work but i'm sure your talking riftlake mbuna, everything in your tank would have to go except the syno
Purple cichlid....sounds like a type of zebra to me...they are nasty buggers and like to kill things just for fun. I mean, the few I had even fought their own reflections. If it is a zebra you are looking at, I would have to say no. Your best bet would be a Labidochromis caereleus, they are about the best african for a community, or even to have with SA cichlids IMO. They don't get THAT territorial and are not usually too agressive towards other fish.

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