"Pure tree oil"


Fish Crazy
Feb 8, 2004
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Hi.Ive been recommended using "pure tree oil" as a natural remedy for "fishy ailments"before using the "normal fish treatments".
Basically,i believe my fish are showing signs of "ich" and was tempted to give it a go.
Has anyone here ever tried this oil? :dunno:
It usually comes in the form of Melafix = melaleuca tree oil. Melafix is very,very diluted. The net content of tree oil in Melafix is 001.0% . PURE tree oil can be purchased from a health food store but you must dilute it quite a bit before adding it to your tank.
I use pure tea tree oil to make a home made melafix by mixing 10ml of tea tree oil to 100ml of distilled water, this is a good med for treating minor wounds caused by fighting in the tank and preventing infections from taking hold.
However i can see no benefit to using it for treating ICH as its properties are anti bacterial and will not touch parasitic lifeforms.
Thank you wuvmybetta........i have actually prchased some of the pure tree oil.
Was just wondering if anyone had used it before :whistle:

Keep in mind what CFC has said, it's really of no use with ich,but it will help to tone down their itchyness ;)
Ah i understand CFC.
Yep i think you may be right.
O.K....think ill begin treatment with the "proper stuff" then..many thanks to you both :cool:

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