Pure Percula Clown Fish

Sea Turtle

Fish Crazy
May 18, 2007
Reaction score
Stratford, Connecticut
Ok. My pure percula clown fish if doing much better finaly. I think that the only problem was that he didn't like the flow rate in the tank. I turned off the main power heads so he could relax a bit and he started swimming all over the tank happay as a clam. Then I turn back the flow and he goes back to the corner and looks like he is about to croke. Is it posible that this type of fish will not be able to handle the high (reef environment) flow? Do these types of clown usually prefer high flow or low? I always thought that Clowns liked reef environments. Any help would be much appreciated. Do you think that I might have to bring this guy back to my LFS? Or, will he get used to the high flow?
it sounds weird, how much flow in what size tank? Are all his fins ok? Is he looking weak or anything?
He seems to be ok. His fins look fine. He was dropped at the fish store though, twice! I have a 75 gal tank with a 900gph return pump, which he seems to tollerate and a 1200gph Koralia that he can't handle. I don't know what to do about it. Is this something that he will probably just get used to?
Thats quite low flow considering that ive seen clown fishes in 100gph+ mega sps tanks. So i think there may be something wrong with the clown fish.

A clownfish should be able to handle your flow easily, especially from the koralia since its so dispersed.

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