puppy (with pics now)


Fish Crazy
Jul 23, 2004
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its at the animal shleter in boise, me and my dad might be bringin home 1, any ideas on how to introduce him to my other dog, hes very territorial
Your dog is very territorial? Um, can't the shelter advise you at all? The only thing I can thing of would be to take your dog on a lead to a field or place he has never ever been to before and bring the pup too. Let the pup greet the dog but be wary of flashing teeth. It would probably be best to do it at the shelter so the staff can help you. When our dog died last year we waited until this year to get a new one and we went to Battersea, taking our other dog along with us. The staff took us, our dog and the dog we wanted out to their exercise field and we let them off the lead and let them get on with it. Our dog was very protective of us, and the guy said that every time we comforted the dog, and he moved closer to us, we were encouraging him, so if our dog was to move away from the girl we wanted, we should move away from him. It didn't really work as we took he dog home and our old dog was getting on this girls nerves so much she attacked him. Back she went.

Is your dog castrated? Also, it is sometimes advised that you get a ***** puppy as she would be less of a threat to your dog.
ok, ty, she is female, and we were goin to do most of that, exept we cant do it at the shelter because its in boise and we drive back today
ok, i agree you definatly need to introduce them away from your home, that way it's nutral teritory. get them used to each other then take them back home at the same time.

also it would be a good idea to get a blanket or something similar from your house, something containing your scent and rub it over the new pup, that way he will smell familiar to your dog and be more acceptable

let us know how you get on, remember these things can go three ways

1. your pup will be accepted straight away and you'll wonder why you were worried

2. it may take some time but eventually it will work out, if your dog is a bit snappy or growls a bit, keep them apart unless supervised, its just them establishing heirachy.

3. all out war, may still work out but you need more advice from a trained dog psycogist

you have one dog who is established in the home, he should be the boss, help him to establish this fact. make sure you feed him first and don't feed the pup till he's finished. if its obvious he's the boss to both of them there should be little conflict and not too much hassle

good luck
ok, we got him, so far its been ok, better than we thought, btu my big guy growls and stuff, but thats kinda natural for that situation, unfortunalty, we got home late so we had to introduce them fast, but they did work out well

edit 1-forgot to say that il have picks of her at the end of week, she looks very much husky, with the markins, but she has the rottwieler(sp) ears

edit 2(lol)-her name is kasa-hopi indian name meaning 'dressed in furs'
lol, screwed up :*)


  • kasa_attacking_mirror.JPG
    45.9 KB · Views: 46
ok, i hope these work, still not sure about posting them on

that was her attacking herself in the mirror, lol


look at wat she did, lol


sleeping :wub:


looks like it worked :D

i would have taken more but she never stops.......lol
Runs off to buy tickets ro steal puppy :shifty: :shifty: :shifty:

OMG Adorable Puppy :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: You can see both breeds in her.

I wonder how Big she is gonna get with rottie in her and Huskie
she's allready grown alot from wen we got her and we think she wil get VERY big
Tony- she's sooooo adorable! May I borrow her? ;)

She reminds me so much of my puppy that passed away about a year ago... she was 15 yrs old (maybe more, she came to our house on Christmas eve and stayed ever since). Anyway, I digress...

Your puppy is awesome and what a fitting name. She's beautiful :) :nod:
what a cute little ball of fluff!!!! :wub: her paws don't look super huge, but she'll still be a good sized dog. she has such an adorable face. that shot with the mirror, too funny.

how is the older dog handling her now?

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