Pumps, airstones, nitrites and ammonia


New Member
Nov 15, 2003
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London UK
Hello all.. im back again :)

first thing, i bought a tetra whispa air pump for my coldwater tank to improve the environment once i start stocking up (currently only 2 white cloud starters) my 6gallon with a few danios and the like.

its pretty noisy really.. and the air stone seems to also be very noisy producing A LOT of bubbles even though its the smallest one they had.. im not sure where to put it either really... currently its at the back of the tank behind a fake plant.. but the fish dont swim round there when the airstone is on.. and they used to alot..

is there a certain place i should be putting it?

second thing, my tank has been up and running for 2 weeks, 1 with the white couds, the ammonia levels keep reading 0 but when i bought a nitrite test today the level was way up.. so i changed quite abit of the water and now its down to tolerable levels.. is this to do with the nitrite spike in a relatively new tank? Ive been feeding them very sparingly.. like 1 flake every other day but the test pack said its probably because of high ammonia? slightly confused i am :no:

any help on any of the bits would be greatly appreciated.

thanks. Josh :)
Hi Josh :) you will find that air pumps are generally quite nosey although whispa are suppose to be whispa quiet -_- you can get an addapter/ valve to slow down the air stone if it is too strong, don't buy single test kits you can get Tetra 5 in 1 test strips they are £9.99 for 20 strips and they test for nitrite-nitrate, ph, kh, gh. and are so easy to use, you have a test for ammonia already so with the strips that should be all you will need for now, speak to you later.
Josh having trouble connecting to msn so sorry can't chat
hmmm.. flow regulator.. hmmmm!

also.. my gravel and decor is looking a little manky close up with bits all over it.. shall i get one of these gravel vac things and clean it?

how do these work? are they just a bit of airline with a big tube on the end?
or shold i get a loach to clear sum stuff up.. especially bits of food. lol


im gonna have to keep testing the nitrites and ammonia.. i hope it all settles down soon -_-

Hi Josh :D The flow regulator is just a plastic valve with a screw top to alter the flow it shouldn't cost much less than £1 as for the gravel cleaner you could use just a thick piece of hose, but I bought a gravel cleaner that Iv found to be quite good you just push it up and down in the water and that starts the syphoning action, it lifts the gravel 'in my case sand' and sucks the muck out with the water so you can do your water change at the same time, and they come in different sizes the smallest one would do for you, Do you have a Jollyes pet shop where you are I got mine there as I find they are alot cheeper than most aquarist places you could get a loach but it won't clean all the mess in the tank (I wish) speak to you later.
hey goldene :)

cheers for the reply. unfort the only place anywhere near me is abit pricey.. but never mind... i could probably make a flow regulator ;)

as for the gravel.. ok.. i think i may get the big tube end though.. sounds easier.. does it actually suck the gravel up? that wouldnt be good.. also, will this do anything to the bacteria supposedly living in it.. i cant see any :p (joke heh)

if it stirs up the gravel.. it mite make the water all cloudy? :/

is it too soon to get a loach>? i think it would be good... the white clouds arnt always the tidiest..

do loaches need special feeding?

thanks. josh :kana:
Hi Josh :) the gravel cleaner sucks up a bit of the gravel but only to take the muck out not the gravel it drops that back down it shouldn't affect the bacteria as long as you don't completley scrub the gravel, give your tank a month from start so that it should be cycled, then you can get a loach 'they eat alge as you know' but you still have to get fish food or wafers for bottom feeders, if you make your own regulator be careful not to restrict the air from the airpump to much as it can damaged the pump. My husband is sorting my daughters computer out so hopefully will be able to speak to you soon. Will pm you.
ty for the reply... my nitrites are still around 0.8 every time i test so im changing water every time until is settles down. ammonia still very slight

i will get a gravel thing on wed as i only have 1 lesson at college... i think its a gd idea to make sure the month is up before getting any more fish at all. wat em to be all nice and happpppy :D

will speak to you soon.. once again, thanks for the advice as always :clap:

what gravel vac are you getting as I took one back because when I put it in the tank the top kept coming off so it was no good the one I have got now is called easyclean you can get them at other places besides Jollyes its just I saved £5 on it there compared to another place. How much water are you changing at one time.as you dont want to change more than half at each water change or it will affect the cycle.
dunno what vac.. just one with a big tube on the end :)

i try to change around 20-25% of the water at a time as i heard that it aint good to change too much at a time unless its life or death.. etc.
Josh refresh my memory but do you use a water conditioner like Aquasafe for eg. with your water changes :/
yup, aquasafe every time :D i try to be nice to my fish and take care of them as much as my knowledge dictates.
will let you know what i get 2moz.

I priced the small easyclean vac today in jollyes and it was only £3.99 the next one up was £4.99 so not bad eh Just to give you a rough idea of the prices.
i got one for a fiver.. wow does that get rid of water quick! :D

got sum suckers and a flow regulator for the air pump etc.. much better now

also got some protein granules that i was reccommended by the fishy woman.. pretty cheap.. and the fish go mad for em :smb:

ammonia still quite low
nitrite about 0.5

changing water regularly as advised

gonna get some long finned zebra danios poss 2
and sum leopard danios :D poss 2
they look great, and my white clouds are getting really colourful now. hopefully i can get sum pics soon 8)


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