Pump For Water Changes


New Member
Nov 17, 2008
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Hi guys

Im after a pump that i can use to pump water from a 25litre plastic jerrycan apx 3/4 foot up into my tank to make my water changes easier.

Ive browsed forums and only found ideas that involve placing a pump or powerhead into a bucket with an outlet hose attached and fed to the tank but my problem is i wont be able to fit one into a jerrycan.

I need some sort of pump that i can attach two hoses to one into the jerrycan and one into the tank a pump that can be run out of water basically with attachments for hoses.

Any help appreciated
Unless the outlet from the jerry can is below the actual level of the water then what you're trying to do won't work as any water pump needs at least the impeller to be effectively submersed.
I see.. yeh it is below the tank

I just want an easy way to fill my tank during a water change as opposed to holding jerry cans over the tank one after the other, some sort of pump that will do the work for me.
I see.. yeh it is below the tank

I just want an easy way to fill my tank during a water change as opposed to holding jerry cans over the tank one after the other, some sort of pump that will do the work for me.

No, I meant the exit on your jerry can has to be below the water level in the jerry can. I suppose this problem can easily be solved by simply placing a length of tubing in the jerry can.
Found some external pumps here that you could use but as with all water pumps you'd have to make sure you don't run it dry else it'll shorten its life http://www.charterhouse-aquatics.co.uk/catalog/water-pumps-c-34.html
The most important capability to be concerned with is the maximum height a pump can work with...some of the tiny pumps don't have much maximum height i.e. 70cm so bare that in mind...that's from pump head to the hosing end, so although you say 3/4' is that from the top of the jerry can to the bottom of the tank or from the base of the jerry can to the top of the tank?

A 25L jerry can, surely you can lift that on to something higher than the tank and use gravity to syphon it in?
No dont have anythin higher than the tank nearby..

The top of the tank stands apx 5 feet from the floor

Was just after an easy way to pump the water up to the tank ive just got my first large(ish)tank so need to do larger water changes and thought there must be an easier way and that maybe some of you guys had a way of doing it.

An hopefully get a 50litre jerrycan so i can do one big water change easily.
If you just don't want to hold up the water container while doing your fill, you could try something like I do. I place a board across the top of the tank and use my siphon to fill the tank.
The other option is to dispense with buckets altogether and use water straight from the tap...i.e. using a syphon. You can buy a Python syphon or make a syphon for this with some standard garden hose and hozelock/non branded hose connectors etc. You'll just need to put dechlorinator straight into the tank and be careful of temperature...a few degrees drop is fine though, it simulates rainfall

Thanks kaivalagi

Was a bit dubious about having the weight of a 25 litre jerry on top of my tank as they weren't designed to hold that much weight there but i just tried it and seemed ok. Dont know why i didnt think of that before.

Dont like the idea of putting untreated water straight into the tank tho i dont think my discus would appreciate it
A tank can hold lots of weight in water so a 25Kg jerry can should give it difficulty if supported well and the weight is distributed a little as OM47 has posted pics of.
Ah, Discus, yes...somewhat sensitive, not sure on temp changes although Chlorine shouldn't really give them problems, only the bacteria will suffer if not treated when the filters go back on
You could always use RO or HMA filter's and run them striaght into your tank. I do it with my new HMA filter, just sit back and relax while it sticks 50-60galon into the tank. Only think i have to do is stick an addtional heater in the tank to keep the temperature from dropping much
Headlight washer pump from a car works a treat. You do need to give the pipe a suck to start the water flowing though. I use a BMW head light washer pump and a car battery charger. Works a treat.
I have no idea what an HMA is but RO water is a bad idea for a water change. It has no minerals in it and fish cannot live in "pure" water. They need some minerals in the water to avoid having their bodies absorb more water than their system can get rid of. Freshwater fish fight this battle all the time but if they have a high enough mineral content in their water, they can do it successfully. If you put fish into straight RO or distilled or de-ionized water, they will not survive it. If you do it to them gradually by doing water changes using pure water, they will start to look sick and you will just not know what is happening until it is too late. In your mind you will have done nothing new, you have always done water changes using RO so that can't be the problem, right? The thing is, until you cross some critical mineral level for your particular fish, it will work just fine.

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