Pulsing Xenia


Fish Fanatic
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Mesa, Arizona
I've had some Pulsing Xenia for about 1 -1/2 months now.

I have a lot of new branch growth.

I had 2 mature stocks/branches die... i think the first was due to a snail ripping up the base of one of them.

How often do the branches die off?????

I'm not sure how old the branches that died were, They were some of the orignals that I pruchased from the LFS.


cant say ive had any die, my ones just keep splitting all the time so i have loads i keep moving around the tank otherwise my living rock looks like its got hair :D
I think you will find the life of xenia is about 2-2.5 years. this is per colony so if they are being fragged et then it seems like they dont die off.
Thanks Nav!!!
I can work with that info. I thought maybe they lived for centuries and here mine are dyin! I'm just keeping my eye on them.
lots of new growth.....so.....

Thanks all
I got a frag of xenia from a frag/swap meet up in Pa. about a year ago. They grew like weeds for the first year.. I came home from work one day, and one of them didn't look to well. Next thing I knew 2 of them just melted into nothing.
The Reefer said:
I got a frag of xenia from a frag/swap meet up in Pa. about a year ago. They grew like weeds for the first year.. I came home from work one day, and one of them didn't look to well. Next thing I knew 2 of them just melted into nothing.
Sometimes if they get stressed they do this. They are spawning. If I see mine doing this I turn off my UV and put in as much new rock as possible. If your lucky you will get a great crop to sell back to the LFS.
Oh, and some times they just die and you get nothing. Its kind of a crap shoot, they are stressed so they try to reproduce, but if they are stressed that much many times the conditions of the tank are not right for the little ones to grow.

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