

Fish Fanatic
Mar 22, 2005
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Was not sure where to put this wanted some puffer guys to see it.

In my LFS today I say a puffer(marine) that was marked as a dogface.I don;t think it was , I think it was a striped puffer.I told them I would do some research.I have done but can only find pics.What I need to know is , are they to be treated any different to dogface and how big so they get.

He is very thin and looks sad,I can't have him I have no where to put him.

my dogface and babay porc would be very cross

I also saw in there a dragon puffer.Are they freshwater or brackish?

Can't comment on the marine puffer without more info.

Dragon puffer is the common name used for lots of species of puffer, most commonly, red bellied/eyed (Tetraodon lorteti), which is FW. Can you get the scientific name?


Think I have sussed the marine puffer now, it is a striped puffer.

As for the dragon puffer, have looked around and am pretty sure thats what it is and that it is freshwater.

I do love puffers, but that one looked like an ugly red frog(i hate frogs).It was sulking in its tank.

Rememeber that there are several different species of dog-face puffers, so even though it was different to the one you have, it could still be a dog-face.

Assuming that the dragon puffer you saw was tetraodon palembangensis then it is indeed a true freshwater puffer.
Here's a couple of ours, was this what you saw?
Think Dragon was like that, it was hiding in the corner .It did seem a bit more red and lumpy.Like a toad :sick:

Marine puffer am pretty sure it is a striped puffer, poor thing was very skinny.LFS guy said it wasn't eating.I have looked at pics and because it had , the stripes and long tail and its mouth was kind of pushed up at the bottom that looks like a striped to me.Would be lovely puffer, very tiny at mo.

samseal said:
Think Dragon was like that, it was hiding in the corner .It did seem a bit more red and lumpy.Like a toad
That sounds more like a congo puffer, which have a red colour variant.

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