

Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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this might seem like a stupid question, but i'm getting some very conflicted answers from resaerch on the net and things :D

www.#### tells me that they are FRESHWATER fish

while petstoresand other people tell me that they are BRACKISH fish.

so i want to set up a 15G for some dwarf puffers, not gsp or anything, just dwarf puffies :) and i'm wonder...are they freshwater or brackisH? :crazy:
Heh, I see you in betta, not here! Anyway, I'm pretty knowledgeable in here, more then bettas at least. Some puffers are freshwater, and some are brackish. My Green Spotted Puffer for example, starts out in freshwater as a fry. As they get older, they go down the stream, slowly raising the salt level, when they finally reach the ocean, being full marine. Yes, Dwarf Puffers are Freshwater. However, most puffers, because they swim upstream sometimes, can handle slight changes, for example, the Dwarf Puffer can withstand some salt in his tank, but it is fairly pointless. If you want more info, just ask. :p
haha i know this isnt' really my spot eh :rolleyes: good to know that dwarf puffers will be fine in freshwater, i'm not really intesrted in trying to maintain a brackish water tank (me lazy i know :lol:) thanks gp!

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