

Fish Crazy
Jun 6, 2004
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North-East, England
Im thinking of having dwarf puffer's or something of a similar size.
Are there any other species of fish (such as guppies, tetra's etc etc...) that they will not get along with?
people HAVE had luck with certain algae eaters with their dwarf puffers, such as otos or bristlenose/bushynose plecs. puffers will chase after faster moving fish (though if they are fast enough, they might be okay, but may find the situation stressful), but tend to leave slow movers alone for the most part. it kind of depends on teh individual puffers. i had my bn plec in with them for a couple of days, and his fins took a nipping. yet they leave the bumblebee gobies alone completely (i would too though, theyre tough little guys...). i know others who kept bn of a sort with dp's and they do fine. would NOT recommedn tehm with fancy finned fish, dp's are major fin nippers. they MAY be okay with tetras or the like, but you'd need to keep an eye on things, watch for nipped fins and treat, watch for stress...
We've succesfully kept dwarf puffers with neon tetras and small ancistrus. The neons are too fast and the ancistrus too inconspicuous for the puffers to bother them.

You can keep bumblebee gobies with them too, but bumblebee gobies have a very short life span if kept in fresh water.

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