

Fish Fanatic
Feb 6, 2004
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hi wots the best puffer fish to keep in a 30 gal tank with angels a firemouth and some rams??? i would like a dwarf puffer but are they to small????
Hi nick.w

I would have to say that NO puffer would really be suitable with those tankmates. IMO the only one that would stand a chance of working would be Colomesus asellus (south american puffer), and even then the Angel and Ram would probably get their fins shreaded.
Your best bet for puffers is to get them their own tank.
lol one dwarf puffer would shread the fins of those fish even in a 30 gal?
I read a post on a different forum from a Dwarf puffer owner who tried to keep theirs with a couple firemouths. The firemouths actually tried to eat the puffers a couple times, but spit them out again immediately...must be foul tasting little guys :lol: but even a single Dwarf may end up tearing up the angels fins pretty bad. :crazy:
o no lol ok then looks like im not getting a lil puffer just thought it b a nice addition to the tank they look very cool and apparently have fun personalities
Yeah, they are great little fish (mine play tag and follow the leader). Too bad their idea of fun involves biting other fish.
yup maybe 1 day i will get a puffer tank im not looking to get a smaller tank but a much larger... a reef 1!! salt water puffers are a lot cooler especially the porkupine ones
Sorry to say you can not keep a salt water puffer in a reef thank they desimate the invertabrate populations they need to be kept in FO tanks.


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