
Dwarfs cannot be kept with the majority of fish as they're fairly aggressive for their size. I've had some success in keeping them with Bristlenoses or Ottoinclus, also I know of people that have kept them with bumblebee gobies.
I have 6 dwarf puffers in a 20 gal tank with 3 bumblebee gobies. So far no problems, of course there were at first, the puffers nipping at the gobies, but now they are all getting along great. I love my lil puffers! Good luck with yours. :D
Read the article pinned at the top of the page please. and next time do a search on your question (which has been asked many times in the past) before creating anothor topic. thank you.
and to answer your question, no. even though people think puffers are so nice because they are so small, imagin a bullet loose in you aquarium, a one inch long, flesheating bullet. only then can you imagine a puffers full wrath.
Nicely said Frankslapperinni, you have such a way with words :p Spose at the very least the kids'll have nightmares bout them ;)
I've heard about people having sucess with puffers in a community tank. I heard that gouramis and some other fish can be in the tank. how about swordtails they get 4'' or danios 2'' or rainbowfish 3''
unless you enjoy losing fish, i wouldn't recommend it. maybe if the tankmates were real fast swimmers, but still, you might be unlucky and lose all put the puffers/
Shame they're fantastic fish and I gotta say IMO I'd prefer to have a few puffers with lots of character than a tank full of community fish...but thats just my opinion.
Lithril said:
Shame they're fantastic fish and I gotta say IMO I'd prefer to have a few puffers with lots of character than a tank full of community fish...but thats just my opinion.
i'm with lith on this. since you have an empty tank, according to your sig, maybe you could consider a puffer tank.................

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