puffers teeth


New Member
May 9, 2004
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i have been reading up on my new puffer a fresh water topaz puffer,

i have kept dwarf puffers for over 6 years but nothing like this fish, i read that you have to feed them things to allow there teeth to grind down or they will keep growing and get so big he wont be able to feed is this correct,

for all my other puffers i breed and feed them golden apple snails i cook them peel them and freeze them the dwarfs love em is it a good ida to put in apple snilas in there shell to let him grind on the shell or are apple snails to hard??

any info would be great :D
Just putting apple snails in will do fine, other snails would be helpful too, except for the malasian trumpet snail seeing as that will break their teeth. Also with dwarfs it couldnt hurt to put in small snails (smaller than the size of their eye tends to be a good rule) so they too can keep their teeth down. Live shrimp will also help
I feed my south american puffers tiny snails (pomacea bridgisii), the size of the puffers eye, they will leave bigger snails alone. I got a Figure 8 puffer a few days ago and thought I would try it on something bigger... Crunch Crunch Crunch, Oh it loves snails LOL, its only around two inches and will take snails of about 1cm any bigger and it can't get a grip, yet.

thanx guys so i need to be putting small apple snails in?

great advice thanx

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