Puffers - are they compatible?

Nuttygal! :0)

Dec 22, 2004
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There! ;0)
Just had a brainwave! Can you buy puffers that are compatible in large-ish tanks with 3 platys, 8 guppies, 3 scalare angels, 3 gouramis, 1 female betta, 2 golden nugget plecos and 1 pictus catfish? I've seen farely small little brown puffers with yellow patterns on their backs. They are very cute! :drool: Does anyone know what these are called? The tank is 15" deep and about 3 and a half ft in length. Any ideas?

(I do not actually have any of these fish yet except the 3 platys! I only got the tank on Dec 25th!)
Simple answer is no, puffers are for species only tanks. Dwarf puffers who dont grow much over an inch are voracious fin nippers. South american puffers can be kept with a few short finned fast moving fish, but still not a good idea. Have a look at http://www.pufferfish.co.uk

I'm not sure the 2 golden nugget plecos are a good idea, they can reach 12 inches and so one is too much for ur aquarium, let alone 2. I'd recomment a pair of bristlenose plecs instead.
They are most likely Figure 8's

I have kept them in community freshwater tanks for long periods. The problem is they seem to be prone to disease in freshwater tanks. When transferred to a brackish tank fish previously extremely prone to Ich and fungus became as hardy as danio's.
I have never had a problem with fin nipping from Figure 8's, though I have never housed them with Angelfish either. For nearly a year they lived in a tank with several African Cichlids and Silver Dollars, but after several bouts of Ich I broke down and bought a 20 US to house them in. They seem much happier in brackish water.

I do have puffers housed with Angelfish. I have two dwarf puffers in a 29 with 3 Angels, a ram, and 5 white clouds.
Several people have had quite a reaction to hearing this, but I have never had a problem with fin nipping. I dont enjoy the dwarfs nearly as much as the Figure 8's though, the dwarfs seem to have lost much of their color (I have been told this is normal as they age) and they are so small you really have to look for them in the tank. I have had mine for a year(?) and they are both still under 3/4 of an inch long.

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