Puffer Teeth Trimming


Fish Crazy
Jul 3, 2005
Reaction score
Great Britain, England
Been using snails which have been breeding in my Discus tank to trim down my puffer's teeth, pretty big ones. But it seems like its not quite enough. Is there anything else you can use to trim down their teeth?

I heard that they will bite on Cuttlefish Bone :blink:
try feeding it cockle in shells,that way he has to bite open the shell to get at the food.
Been using snails which have been breeding in my Discus tank to trim down my puffer's teeth, pretty big ones. But it seems like its not quite enough. Is there anything else you can use to trim down their teeth?

I heard that they will bite on Cuttlefish Bone :blink:

Haha, who told you that? I can't imagine it working with fish, even if it does work for budgies. Unless the cuttlefish was covered in food, I'm sure they'd just ignore it.

Feeding foods still in shells is key. Cockles in shells, prawns in shells. Are they still able to eat with their teeth how they are?
You can put cuttlefish bone in the tank, ive seen it done in more than one Puffer tank, if the puffer dont nibble it the extra calcium will strengthen up the shells of the snails which will help anyway :)
Hi there is one other way to trim those nashers if you net the puffer wrap it in a damp cloth and snip the teeth with nail clippers. Watch out for flying splinter of tooth wear goggles or some thing. He may puff up and get air in side if this is the case he will struggle to swim downwards dont panic put him in the water still holding him angle the head upwards and gently stroke his belly he will puff up again but this time taking water in this fores the air up and when he deflates the air will come out first hope this helps
allowing a puffer to take in air is very bad and expelling it as you say is not as easy as you make it sound. The method would seriously risk your puffer if it does inflate with air that is why sedation is normally recommended before hand to help prevent the possibility of air intake.
Live ones, as opposed to those.

And different species from that type.
Puffers look mean, are they mean?

Undoubtedly. I've had ones pick eyes off the most inconspicuous fish, destroy snails until all is left is shell shrapnel, and chase their own reflection in the glass so fiercely i've been concerned the glass would break.

I was one of the people that researched their puffers first and didn't simply add them to a community either. That's not to say a community isn't possible...

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