Puffer tank!


New Member
Feb 10, 2004
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I've got a 20 gallon that I'd like to turn into a puffer tank! Any suggestions as to what species to go with? I want to stay with pure freshwater. I'd like some variation...I'm pretty sure I'd like dwarf puffers for one. Any suggestions as to how YOU would set up the tank? I also like spotted congo puffers...

Anyways what would you do? :dunno:
Well, I don't think that I would mix puffer species in that small of a tank. I may be wrong though, as I only have experience with dwarfs.

If you decide to go with dwarfs, your in for a treat. They may be small, but they are full of personality. I have 6 in my 20 gal tank, as you can see in my sig, and I love them. A nice planted 20 gal with lots of hidey holes is what I would suggest.

HTH & Good Luck
Perky said:
Can't you fit about 15 n a 20 g
Dwarf puffers need at least 2 gallons per fish, with 3 gallons being even better. Yes, they are small and have a smaller bio-load, but the main reason is that they need room. They are territorial and will become aggressive with one another if they don't have enough space.
I'm trying to get a 20gallon to keep a CSP so I feel as if you are encroaching on my space. LOL but seriously if you have 10 Dwarfs in a 20 (long it needs to be long) you should plant it super hevily and build alot of caves. like 15 caves or so. mine doesn't use either of the caves but sleeps inbetween two low leaves on am Amazon Sword. Also Dwarfs are piggy but they are slow eaters with those little mouths so dont keep them with supper fast super greedy fish (like my glofish) that are never full.

Hi SomethingsFishy

For a 20 gal tank I would probably go with a pack of 6-8 Dwarfs and a pair of South American puffers (Colomesus asellus) and 5 Ottos (or 1 Rubberlipped plec) for clean up. Planted heavily with dense and/or broad leafed plants (real or plastic), at least a dozen little caves (wood/rock/plastic/glass doesn't matter) at varying levels in the tank, with 10x/hr filtration (200 gal/hr). Substrata doesn't seem to make much difference to the puffers, but I prefer sand (lets me see the waste for easier cleanup). If you are thinking of getting the Dwarfs to spawn try adding some Java moss at the entrence to a cave, I have read this is their preferred spawning bed.
So you would suggest South American puffers over Congo spotted puffers for my particular tank set up?
hey can u have 1 dwarf puffer in a 30 gal tank with some south/american cichlids??
sorry i should of started a new topic....hope the puffer tank goes well
Pufferpack Posted on Feb 17 2004 said:
For a 20 gal tank I would probably go with a pack of 6-8 Dwarfs and a pair of South American puffers (Colomesus asellus) and 5 Ottos (or 1 Rubberlipped plec) for clean up.

Are you sugesting keeping two kinds of puffers together with such a vast diference in size? Can this be done with CSP's as they are widely reported to be very mellow puffers?

Hi SomethingsFishy

I went with the S/A's mainly because I find them more readily available around this area. If you can find some Tetraodon schoutedeni - Congo Spotted puffers they may do well, I have no experience with them, but from what I've read they are regarded as a friendlier puffer that generally doesn't exibit fin nipping behavior, but are known to chew holes in plant leaves. As they only get to about 9cm (3 1/2 in.) you should be ok with a pair in the 20gal. I keep 3 South American puffers in a 35 gal tank with my pack of 8 Dwarfs with no troubles at all (I also have 2 Golden Puffers - Auriglobus modestus in there with no problems yet, but they are still on probation and are being watched). If you do decide to get a couple of Tetraodon schoutedeni be sure you have a positive ID before buying, I have read many complaints of Green Spotted puffers being mislabled as Congo puffers.

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