Puffer Tank Questions...Round 2!


New Member
Feb 10, 2004
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Well...I posted a similar question ( http://fish.orbust.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=22191 ) on a different site, and got a discouraging response by 2 of their members. They said that 6-8 dwarves, a couple South Americans, and a couple cleanups would be highly overstocked in my 20 gallon. In addition, other new information regarding filtration and substrate has led me to rethink my plan that i thought was perfect :lol: ...so, here's a new set of questions for you guys.

Substrate: I was planning on planting the tank, so what do you all suggest? I also like a few inches of cover...like 2-3. I also heard puffers like finer substrate. Should I go with 2 or so inches of sand? 2 inches of flourite (expensive tho :/ )? One bag of flourite and some sand on top of that? I was going to go with the latter, but I don't know if I want it to eventually get all mixed with some flourite sticking through :X

Filtration: I was planning on an undergravel w/ bubblelift plus a Penguin Biowheel. But this may have to change considering I'm planting the tank...can I run an undergravel with plants? I also had a response from a member here saying that their Penguin Biowheel was annoyingly loud...they suggested a canister filter. I was planning on spending preferably less than 40 bucks on the filter... I like the idea of a decent undergravel with a powerful biowheel, but it looks like I may have to go with just a biowheel or canister due to the plants. Suggestions?

Fish: With good filtration and plants, should I get.....
A ) 5 or 6 dwarves, 2 South Americans
B ) 5 or 6 dwarves, 2 Congo Spotteds (or one South American, one Congo)
C ) 8 or 9 dwarves only
-------any of these options would include 2 or 3 ottos for cleanup

All right guys! Thanks for all of the help with my past questions, and thanks in advance for all of the help I'm probably about to receive!
Darn it...so I don't really have any options for a mixed-species 20g?

4 dwarves and one congo? :dunno:

Ahh, looks like my best bets gonna be a dwarf-only. Any opinions on my other questions?
i have a penguin 125 in my 10 and its not that loud but makes a bubble noise every now and then but to do that i had to put the water up to the black thing on the top of the tank (which is pretty high) so if your willing to put your water that high id highly suggest it

another way to do it you can keep pouring water in until it stops making so much noise 8P thats pretty much what i so

and by black thing i meant the top edge of your tank where the top goes onto without touching the glass/acrilic
My Colomesus (SA) killed the dwarfs so I probably wouldn't mix them (although pufferpack seems to get it working). For clean up crews I use Otoinclus and a couple of Bristlenose Plecos, keeps the tanks looking spotless. IMO Sand is the best substrate but there are others that will argue this. The beauty about puffers is you can introduce lots of snails, preferably Malaysian Trumpet snails, these will dig into the sand and stop dead spots, also the plants will help with this.

I would avoid undergravel filters, they can block up and accumulate debris underneath the filter, the only way to clean is to remove all the substrate. Also they're no good with plants and sand. Eheim do some small external filters which work wonders or if you want a cheap alternative, their internals are great. If you're keeping filters you want very good filtration - ideally you want the volume of the tank turned over about 5 times an hour... they are VERY messy eaters.

You can fit about 5 dwarfs in a 20gal you'll need at least 8 caves though (general rule is same number of caves as puffers +2-3) this should stop the fighting between them, also you'll want to break the line of sight up between caves with either rocks, wood or plants. If a puffer can see another from the cave it'll become terratorial.


As far as the plant Vs. sand thing goes you can put the roots of the sand in a shallow basket full of some other kind of substrate (i.e. fluorite) and then cut some cloth and fix it over the top of the basket and berry the whole thing in a DSB that way you don't need to worry about the plant not getting the right nutrients and if you put weight on the basket you don't need to worry about some fish redecorating.


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