Hi, I would like to start changing my 25 gal freshwater tank into a brackish tank for my new green spot puffer and 2 bumble bee gobies. I currently have other fish in this tank and would like to know what fish will live in a brackish tank.
2 small angel fish
white cloud mountain minnows
cherry barbs
bristlenose catfish ( my clean up pleco)
I also have lots of Java Fern that I was told will live in brackish tanks. I am going to be getting this tank to a level of 1.005 - 1.010
I look forward to your replies.
2 small angel fish
white cloud mountain minnows
cherry barbs
bristlenose catfish ( my clean up pleco)
I also have lots of Java Fern that I was told will live in brackish tanks. I am going to be getting this tank to a level of 1.005 - 1.010
I look forward to your replies.