puffer tank help


New Member
May 14, 2003
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Hi, I would like to start changing my 25 gal freshwater tank into a brackish tank for my new green spot puffer and 2 bumble bee gobies. I currently have other fish in this tank and would like to know what fish will live in a brackish tank.

2 small angel fish
white cloud mountain minnows
cherry barbs
bristlenose catfish ( my clean up pleco)

I also have lots of Java Fern that I was told will live in brackish tanks. I am going to be getting this tank to a level of 1.005 - 1.010

I look forward to your replies.

Bugsy :rolleyes:
Do you mean to leave the other fish in the tank with them??? Bristlenoses can live with puffers but are not at all tolerant of salt so would need to go with a freshwater species like the dwarf of the South American.

The barbs MAY survive the puffers as they're fairly fast but that is a big may, not sure of salt tolerance though, thats bout it, I can't see any of the others that would last long - You may have guessed that its no the salt I'm worried bout but the puffers, they're great fish but should never be put in a community tank.

When you're getting ur bumblebee gobys, make sure u get the brackish kind as some have been raised in FW and really shouldn't be changed.
Okay, I guess that will not work. Will a green spot puffer be okay in a 10 gal tank and for how long?

I have read conflicting posts about these particular puffers being able to live forever in a 10 gal tank. It is so hard to believe what is right for these fish. And some say in captivity they do not get to the 6" size.

Another question is, are green spot puffers ever kept in freshwater? Many of our local stores here have them in fresh water tanks but when they sell them they tell everyone they need to be put into brackish tanks.


from what i've read they do get up to 6 inches. i suppose those that didn't either were not fed properly or were kept in too small a tank which stunted their growth (which leads to a whole host of other problems). from what i know, no, they are never fw, your lfs may just not know any better.
you could always set up a new larger tank just for him or put him in the one you have and split up your current fish into two 10's or something.
if you got a separate 10, you could keep four of the dwarf puffers in there (they are fw by the way). puffers have such personality, you won't regret setting up a puffer only tank if you decide to go that way. :D
Yup totally agree with Molly, GSP should get to or near to its optimum size if the water conditions are right, you'll struggle to meet these in a 10 gal tank, which would really not be fair on the puffer. They are always brackish.

Any particular reason why you've chosen the GSP, as molly said the dwarfs offer just as much character, 10 gal is ideal for these as they only grow to 1.5-2" max???

The 2 pinned topics at the top of this section offer some good info.
Trying to get puffers here first of all is really hard. They only bring in the green spot and the figure 8's. Now one of the stores said they have some yellows coming in, what are they and how big do they get?

They have never had dwarf's nor will they ever be getting them, this is what all 4 stores here told me. They are not readily available for us here and there is not a whole lot of people that want brackish tanks. I think they are neat, but I am not the majority.

So this is what we are stuck with and I have been waiting a long time for puffers as they are seasonal here to come in. i really don't want to get rid of this puffer now that i have him but another 25 gal is out of the question at the moment.

Thanks for all your help and advice :D
The GSP should be ok in the 10 gal for the moment (keep an eye on water readings incase you get a spike) but you'll need to rehouse him at some point probably next year.
Thanks, I will keep an eye on this tank. I don't want to loose this little puffer. Thanks for the help

Bugsy :)
Hi Lynn

Unfortunately , as mentioned by others, none of your present fish will go with the GSP. You can keep the GSP & Gobies in a 10 gal for a few months, but as these fish are prone to large growth spurts you may need to upgrade to a 20 or 30 gal by summer. From what I've read GSP's do most of their growing in the first 12 - 18 months, where they will attain a size of about 4 1/2 inches, then their growth rate slows down and they may take a few more years to reach full size. When juveniles GSP's are found in FW, but they quickly move to BW in their first 6 months or so, by the time they are full grown they do best in a high brackish, to full marine tank.

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