Puffer Tail Nipped


Fish Gatherer
May 7, 2010
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i have 2 puffers and noticed today that one of them has a bit of tail missing, which the other puffer did to it.
Will it grow back? How long till it grows back?
Could it be something to do with teritory?
i have 2 puffers and noticed today that one of them has a bit of tail missing, which the other puffer did to it.
Will it grow back? How long till it grows back?
Could it be something to do with teritory?

Itll grow back eventually, as a rule though puffers dont tolerate each other. So dependant on what species they are it will either get substantially worse with one eventually killing the other or could just be setting a pecking order....usually its the 1st though.
As I said in an other topic.

You have been told these are Target Puffers - as identified by Neale Monks, which are not community friendly - they are best to be kept alone like one in a tank alone rather than multiple specimens in one tank.

This is probably the first step in the predictions of what people have been saying.

How much plants and other furniture are in the tank? For these two to have a chance of both surviving in a single, with no other tankmates, the tank is going to need to be a dense forest (so lots of chances for submissive to hide and escape).

But ideally, you need to rehome one in either another tank or back to LFS it goes...
How much plants and other furniture are in the tank? For these two to have a chance of both surviving in a single, with no other tankmates, the tank is going to need to be a dense forest (so lots of chances for submissive to hide and escape).

But ideally, you need to rehome one in either another tank or back to LFS it goes...

It has java moss, and it has quite a lot of furniture in the tank.
Hello Neale Monks is one of our best experts and especially good with puffers, he has identified these for you and if they are showing aggression already it would be best to move one on either back to the store or into its own tank. As to the injury, it depends how severe and if any infection sets in. You can try a little melafix to help though good clean water is usually good enough to get them healing again. As to length of time growing back, depends on severity and water conditions, any pics of the puffs settled and wound?

Turgidus is the identification given which is one of a couple in the "target" puffer species (these include others like Fangs and Abeis) they are always recommended as singletons as generally do not play well with others or other fish.

What behaviour have you seen between the two and how is the tank set up?

Type "Monotrete turgidus" or "turgidus care" or even "target puffer care" and you will find other articles that back up what we have said

Unfortunately with puffers it will appear that they tolerate each other during their juvenile stages but as they mature and grow they wont tolerate each other any more. You may find that your two act ok for days, weeks, months and then one day find one dead or both extremely injured. There are certain species that can be attempted together but within this it is also a "chance it" type thing. Hope this helps, I have certainly done my fair share of mistakes in the past with regards to puffers but learning the hard way and guidance on here, my four different ones are now amongst the happiest out there.
As lilacamy says, you likely have one of the so-called "target puffers" from Asia, a small group of very similar species that are all shades of mottled golden-brown with a distinct red or black target-like marking on each side of their flanks. While they vary in size from 8 to about 20 cm, they are all territorial, aggressive fish normally kept alone. At their worst they're extremely nasty fish that bite one another without hesitation. Normal operating procedure is to provide a 100-200 litre aquarium to a single specimen depending on its adult size.

Puffers tend to heal quickly if given good water quality. Antibiotics can certainly be used, but be very careful with anything containing copper or formalin, as both of these are know to irritate, potentially harm, pufferfish.

Cheers, Neale
ok, well i guess one will have to go then

ill need to ask dad bout it first.

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