Puffer Suggestions.


Betta Extermination Team!!!
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
England,Hampshire Hayling Island
Well i have just got a new 120l 32x18x15 tank which i have purchased with the plan of a puffer/a few puffers.
The tank will be pretty plain to be honest with some slate caves and maybee some bogwood and a couple of plants here and there from my 55g but to be honest with the amount i will have to graval vac and stick the net in to retrive shells etc i dont mind keeping the tank looking simple.
As usual it will have about 2" of sand and filteration will be an ehiem 2224 (i think) overkill i know but.....

Now i am needing to think about what to put in the tank my thoughts so far include...

If i got FW
-3 SAP's
-Target Puffer

If i go BW
-Ceylon or two
- Some GSP's

Any other ideas or reccomendations/tips for me???

The only thing I can really say is that puffers need to be able to get away from each other so add plenty of caves and hidey-holes. The thing about my dwarf puffers and most others too I think, is that they need plenty to occupy them so a simple tank could include interesting rocks, branches or wood. Good strong plants like Anubais, Java fern, Crypts etc. would really be ideal but you could always go for artificial if it doesn't offend your aesthetic sense. You need someone with more experience than me to comment on your stocking choices.

All the best from Bill.
I'm not sure you want to keep SAPs with anything even remotely aggressive. They are quite highly strung, and more like tetras in their behaviour than puffers. In fairly large groups they become less nervous, so one option might simply be to keep a bunch of them along with some catfish (which, apart from Corydoras, seem to be ignored).

Red-tail puffers seem to work well with them, too. These are fairly docile little pufferfish that rarely leave the lower level of the tank. They aren't usually aggressive towards other fish, though they do chase one another a little.

As far as plants go, SAPs love floating plants. Hornwort does a great job for wiping out algae, so that would be my top recommendation. SAPs often swim head upwards, and it seems to me that they "like" to explore things above them; perhaps that's where they find a lot of their food in the wild?


Thanks you two.
So i think ill go with the planned 3 in the tank and maybee a BN is stocking alows it. Yes all the plants mentioned will be in my 55g planted so the puffer tank will be always revieving cuttings/plantlets.

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