Puffer Questions


Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Im starting a 20g puffer tank, just have a few questions.

What do fresh water puffers prefer as far as PH goes? (They'll probably be dwarf puffers)

Are puffers destructive to plant life?

How many dwarf puffers can i put in a well planted 20g? I know they only grow to around an inch or so long, but from what iv seen and heard they can be quite agressive and territorial.

And lastly, does anyone have any information about breeding dwarf puffers. Probably not somthing i would have time for, but im curious.

All answers, constructive critisism, and advice will be greatly appritiated. :good:
Im starting a 20g puffer tank, just have a few questions.

What do fresh water puffers prefer as far as PH goes? (They'll probably be dwarf puffers)

Are puffers destructive to plant life?

How many dwarf puffers can i put in a well planted 20g? I know they only grow to around an inch or so long, but from what iv seen and heard they can be quite agressive and territorial.

And lastly, does anyone have any information about breeding dwarf puffers. Probably not somthing i would have time for, but im curious.

All answers, constructive critisism, and advice will be greatly appritiated. :good:

Have a read through on the pinned topic at the top of the forum for answers to most of your questions.

In short though -
- 4 in a 20g is plenty.
- Breeding dwarf puffers seems to happen more by luck than judgement. Just keep males and females together and keep them well looked after
- Puffers won't damage plants intentionally, possibly if they're picking snails off them
- PH isn't so important as long as you avoid extremes
Nope, i didn't see the pinned thread, im looking at it now though.

My water is roughly between 7.5-8 PH. Iv never had trouble with it before with my guppies for bettas, should be good then.

Thank you for the help. :good:
No worries! They're great fish, easily enjoyed.

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