Puffer Question


Fish Fanatic
Jul 11, 2004
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OKay well i posted this in the oddball section but i got 1 reply. So i thought that if i posted it hear maybe some other people would be it. Well I am interrested in buying a South Americain Puffer and i need some more information. And yes pufferpack i tried the other website but couldn't get a responce, and the guy at the LFS is holding one for me, and he doesn't know when he is getting another one in. And i dont want to get if i dont know more about him. Please Reply because i really dont want to lose this chance because i couldn't find information.
actually, if you just did a search for this topic in oddball you'd find a couple of threads discussing their care. theyre fw puffers, need the same food as otehr puffers, but they do have faster growing beaks. there is a thread on here with a link to a website about how to go about trimming them if they are not kept down with diet. use the search function and do a little reading.
I wanted a SA puffer a little while ago, so I'll share what I remember now.
SA Puffers are one of the most peaceful puffers you can buy, although like all puffers, they can still turn nasty, so be careful. They live in FW and do not need salt added in any case. They prefer live or frozen food, Freeze dried if the others are not available, and usually will not accept flake food.
They grow to a maximum size of 3 inchs (6 in the wild) and are also compatible with the more aggressive but smaller dwarf puffers. 1 can live in a ten gallon and 2 in a fifteen. If you had a 30 gallon a nice combination is 3-4 SA puffers and 6 dwarf puffers.
You should have lots of decorations in the tank, so that the puffer will not be as able to make eye contact with possible prey and chase them around the tank. Puffers like to have their own little den, but make sure to provide more dens than puffers, so they do not end up fighting over the "best" one.
SA puffers beaks' grow faster than any commonly sold puffer. To keep them trim, make sure to have a ready supply of snails in the tank, as the puffer will eat these, and the hard shell will wear down their teeth. Eventually though, they will need their beaks trimmed. Type in "puffer trimming" in the search box in oddballs and see if you can come up with something.
Just make sure to have a large ammount of filtration, as puffers are extremly messy, and the foods they eat pollute a lot. You should have enough filtration so that the filter/s recyle the tank volume at least 10 times per hour.
Thats all I can think of for now :).
FrankSlapperinni said:
1 can live in a ten gallon and 2 in a fifteen. If you had a 30 gallon a nice combination is 3-4 SA puffers and 6 dwarf puffers.
Umm ... I think you meant, 3-4 SA puffers, OR 6 dwarf puffers? I dont think you can put 10 puffers in a 30 gallon tank :no:

Far as I'm aware a SA puffer needs around 10 gallons each, and so do dwarf puffers though they could go with a lil less. People have kept 2 in a 5 gallon tank, though thats not highly recommended. Think dwarf puffers would need about 7 gallons each? :dunno:
I agree with Erised - that 30 gallon quote is wrong for that many puffers, and 15 gallons is pushing it with two SAs.

Mixing different species is never advisable either. All it takes is one nip from the larger puffer and it's all over.

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