Puffer Q's


Fish Fanatic
Jul 7, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
Hello, I'm really intrested in keeping Puffers and have been doing hours of research on them. I was wondering if it would be possible to keep two of the smaller variety of Puffer (4-5" max size) in a 20 gallon tank, heavily planted with lots of hiding spaces. They would be the only inhabitants. Also which type of Puffer would grow to about this size? I'm hoping the GSP but I have read so many conflicting ideas on how big they get on the internet. Thanks for the help.
I've never tried mix and matching puffers so I'd imagine that PufferPack would be best to answer this. GSPs tend to be quite terratorial so I wouldn't imagine they would be ideally suited. Why don't you set up a fw tank with about 8 dwarfs and a couple of bristlenose plecos? You could probably even go up to 10-12 dwarfs in a 20 gal as long as you had LOTS of hiding space and some very good filtration, also I'd be ready to take a couple back if they do start fighting.
Either dwarfs or South Americans would be good for a 20 gallon, everything else either gets too big or needs brackish water (unless you don't mind setting up a brackish water tank in which case a figure 8 might work). I think Pufferpack has had success mixing dwarfs and SA's but it depends on the individual fish and I've also heard of a lot of people trying this and failing. You would be better off sticking with 1 species or having a backup tank ready if they started fighting.
I don't mind setting up a Brackish Water tank, I've been reading alot about that as well. I've read that the Figure 8's get to about 3 inches is this right?

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