Fish Crazy
I dont know what happened, they all seemed fine this morning, and then when I got home, I asked my wife why there were only 2 and she said, there were three... and I had he look, and she said "theres three..." I couldnt see the third one, and since its a hex tank, it reflexs funny, so I looked in the top, and there she was floating near the leaf that is at the water surface. I pulled her out and she was gone... I couldnt see any signs of being eaten, but she had some odd marks on her side... I dont know what happened to her though. I also noticed that there are still some worm floating on the surface that they didnt eat from this morning. I was thinking that maybe the pump was scaring them, so I turned it off to see and they still didnt really go to the top to eat... What could be wrong? PAGING PUFFERPACK! hehe, please help me out, I dont want to lose them. I asked the guy at the store to test the water, and he said its fine for them....