Puffer people please join the fun!


Apr 24, 2004
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Hello, My name is Daveo! And I just love those Pufferfish. If anyone who likes them comes here please tell your story about any pufferfish that you have had in the tank of yours. Please tell us what kind the puffers were and what they were like, so maybe other people can posably get some in the feuture( I posted this Because I don't know much about puffers ecxept the fact that they are just down right funny). 8)
I have a figure of eight puffer in my community tank (still young, so still freshwater). He is very cool and my favorite addition to the tank :D
We have just started feeding him cockles in the shell which he LOVES! We have to open the shell up for him first cos hes still so small but he goes mad for it ripping the cockle to shreds and his chomping teeth on the cockle make cute little squeaking noises :wub:

He binges till his stomach is enormous!, then he goes to his favorite spot in a plant up against the glass and swims down in between the glass and the leaves to go to sleep till he's digested his dinner :)

He is very friendly with all the other fish but if they pester him too much he does the angry dance when his tail sticks out dead straight behind him and he looks like hes vibrating with anger till they go away again... I want a species tank next just for puffers! (after ive set up my new dwarf frog tank of course.... ;) )
Yup they are funny and at one time (before the incident) they wereso popular they almost got there own forum but trafic died down so they never left the oddbals institute :sad:
I'm currently keeping a Fahaka [nile] puffer.. he's housed on his own as fahakas are one of the most aggressive freshwater fish in the world have been described as 'fish on crack' in the past and a quote from an experienced puffer keeper is:

'I'm suprised they can get close enough to each other to mate!!"

He's a great character and is definitely my favourite out of all of the fish I keep.. He's currently housed in a 180L tank but and is still only very small at just above 3" long [will grow to around 18" approx when fully mature]. I am currently sorting out a new tank I bought for him which is just over 300L so he'll be able to grow out a lot more in there until I have to upgrade again.

Puffers are a must for any fish keeper with the experience and room to house them.. they offer so much more than your average fish and bring an entirely new and thoroughly enjoyable element to the hobby...

if you haven't go a puffer........... Get One!!! :lol:
As you know I'm working on it bulldog. Just a species tank for dwrf puffers till I'm totally sure I like them. From all the good press they've had of late I certainly think they will quickly become my fav fish.

Interesting fact tho, because they dont mix well and have a diet that dont include flakes I'm having difficulty finding somewhere that sells them.

Anyone know of an LFS within say 15 miles of Walsall (jc10 of m6) let me know.
Ive got a small green spotted puffer, quite a funny little character. It lives in a 20 gallon tank on its own and is quite content continually searching around the rocks and bogwood looking for snails.
:wub: i have a green spotted puffer in my community tank. I bought him to get rid of my snail explosion(which he did). He is called Boris and he is so cute.

Stryker pm me, I live near you in Dudley. So can let you know where they sell puffers :D
The incident where the entire forum was deleted by SMB Because CFC called him on some stuped things that he was saying (insulting aquarists picking fights ect.)

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