Puffer In A 150 Ltr Community Tank


Fish Herder
Oct 5, 2009
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It is quite a high desire for someone in my household, not mentioning any names. To get a puffer in our 150ltr tank, with our 5 lclown loach (yes I know before you start), 3 chain loach and 4 oto's.

It's becoming a tempting idea now but I know from everything that I've read that it's not really much of a chance worth taking.

Please provide info and experience to help this homeward squabble!
I would refrain... sounds like it could turn into a mess.

In order to placate this family member, why not look into a dwarf puffer? He/she can be kept alone (quite happily, I might add) in a 5 USG or 20 litre tank! Hilarious fish, too, and by far the cutest :) They rarely top one inch!
It depends on the puffer. Some puffers are said to be ok in a community tank...SAPs for example...but it all depends on the species. Most I would say are best to be kept in a species only tank.

Neale Monks is a very knowledgeable person to ask about what puffers might be suitable for a community tank. Personally, I wouldn't risk it after being told of a well known saying in puffer circles...never trust a puffer :crazy:
Like Jenny said the only puffer you may have success with is the south american puffer, Colomesus asellus, there was an article that Neale wrote in Practical Fishkeeping about them being possibly suitable for Community Aquaria, if it were me i would go for it, the fish you have stated are all bottom dwellers, which means most of the time they will be out of the way of an angry puffer, and from what i have read the SAP is only known for occasional fin-nipping-less of a chance in your kind of set-up.

It really comes down to the personality of the individual puffer. Some will coexist, others not at all. I think south american puffers (C. asellus) would be your best bet. Still, I wouldn't try it.

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