Puffer Identity


Fish Fanatic
Sep 30, 2003
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I recently saw saw this small puffer with a large dark spot on the side of it and i was wondering if what kinda puffer it was cause it is small enough to be a dwarf yet it still migh thave been young any help is appreciated thanks jeff
There are a few different puffers with spots on their sides. If they looked like this one they were probably baby Emerald puffers - Tetraodon cutcutia

Emerald Puffer

If not try Puffer Island for an identification. the site is in Japanese, but they have a great photo library for identification.
i am think it is a another mislabeled dwarf
Yes it is an Emerald and i brought home 2 of them tonite of an impulse buy
would u tell me what there needs are
thanks jeff
Tetraodon cutcutia - Emerald puffers used to be very common in the aquarium trade from what I've read (another name is "Common" puffer) but seem to have fallen out of favor due to their aggressiveness. I lucked out with the pair I rescued and managed to get a breeding pair, but even then the male takes frequent runs at the female when he is guarding the eggs. I keep my pair in a 25 gal Hex tank with just a rubber lipped plec as a tankmate. Ph is 7.8 and temp is a constant 79 F. If I was to try with a different pair I think I would go with a 35 gal (3 ft) heavely planted tank. When not guarding the clutch of eggs (which is not too often as the female lays a new clutch each week so far) the male has a tendency to hide in the plants or behind a rock until feeding time, while the female is more active and explores the tank looking for food most of the time.

For some previous posts about my pair try a search for "Chubbs & Skinner".

edit: Although they will eat frozen foods they eat with more zeal when the food is live.
what kind of live food do u suggest there still small about an inch

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