Puffer for a 55?


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Maine, USA
Is there a large puffer out there that could be compatable with two Ropefish in a 55 gallon? -_- I know most puffers are only placed in species only tanks. I'm just curious because I really like puffers and I want to get more. :)
Been racking my brains and I'm having trouble coming up with an idea.

Here's my thoughts so far...

Mbu - far too big
Fahaka - too big and too aggresive.
Dragon - possiblity, but still a little too big.
Congo - not easily available
Arrowhead - too aggresive.
Redeye or lorteti - ideal, but quite small
South American - smaller than you wanted
Brown - Right size, but not commonly available (at least around here)
Target - nice size, but aggressive.
Greenspot - good size but brackish

This is from memory as I'm at work and don't have access to reference material. feel free to correct me!
Dont Dragon puffers get like 8 inches? That's too big for a 4 foot tank? -_- Problem is, the only place I have found to buy one is Aquariumfish.net. they charge $69 American dollars for one, plus $20 shipping... :( Are the Dragon puffers very agressive? I, mean they are amush hunters right? So, why would they go around chasing other fish if they tend to lye still and wait for a meal to come by? :S
I did find the Target puffer on Liveaquaria.com, but they seem to think it is a brackish water fish. :blink: SirMinion, Targets are Fresh, right?
StingrayKid said:
Dont Dragon puffers get like 8 inches? That's too big for a 4 foot tank? -_- ...... Are the Dragon puffers very agressive? I, mean they are amush hunters right? So, why would they go around chasing other fish if they tend to lye still and wait for a meal to come by? :S
Dragon puffers are very inactive fish so a 4-footer should be fine. Yes, they are ambush hunters and they are very lazy.

I wouldn't say they are particularly aggressive, but they will go for anything smaller than themselves. We learnt this the hard way when adding some tetras once - the puffers ate them while they slept. Also, like most puffers, they will fin-nip so if you do get biggish fish to go with them don't pick ones with nice trailing fins.

And yes, Targets are definitely freshwater fish.
So, a couple of large Ropefish would be good tankmates for a Dragon Puffer? They have some finnage, but not much. My only concern is because the Ropfish is long and flail-like, would the puffer try to nip their tails?
samsung-401 said:
SirMinion, I thought that redeyes could go with large fish, because they would not be as tempted to nip their fins. You told me that.
That is certainly what I've read in several places, yes.

As for whether Dragons would tail-nip rope fish, I have no idea. I know that our dragons are very very docile and most likely would leave a ropefish alone, but another member, Claire, has two dragons which are quite aggresive and might well attack a rope fish.

And yes, every thing I've ever read, including Aqualog's puffer book written by a guy with 45 years of puffer keeping experience, says that targets are freshwater.

We ourselves have two... in freshwater.
:D Well, I allways thought targets were fresh too, I just saw the website. I'll try the Dragon puffer out with a single Ropefish and see what happens. Thanks for the info guys! :D By the way, what do you feed Dragons? I was thinking feeder fish and maybe some crustaceans?

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