Puffer Fish!


Fish Addict
May 3, 2005
Reaction score
DeRidder, LA
At my LFS in Savannah, GA, I have been obsessing over the big, adorable puffer fish in the salt water section. I keep freshwater fish, and I really know nothing about salt water fish. I'm in New Orleans now and today I saw little puffers in Wal Mart! They were in with other fresh water fish. There was no sign with information on them, so I'm not sure what kind of puffers they are. I know that they're not dwarf puffers, because I've seen those before. They were about 2 inches long and they had white bellies and they were brown with yellowish spots...I think. haha I was just so excited to see them! I've been looking for info on them, but I can't seem to find any. I've got an empty 29 gallon tank. I was wondering how much space they need and how many, if any, I could put in a 29 gallon tank. Any information that anyone has to offer would be very much appreciated!
There are some puffers in the fish profile section on this forum, but i have heard that many, if not all, puffers are very hard to stock together for long and i don't know of any that are community fish that will get along with other types of fish.
Brown with yellow spots?
Hmmm. *starts researching*

Active or sedentary?

What shaped face- pointed or rounded?
Those are green spotted puffers I'm hopeing to get some myself

One will need 30gallons and I can't tell you if 29 is close enough

They considered active hunter types and enjoy the usual puffer foods, snails, shrimps, worms, cockles (don't know what that is but...), and any other sizeable invertebrate, or fish that gets in its way (note not community fish)

A sand bottom brackish tank with several hideing places is best, the salinity should increase as the fish ages eventually to about 1.01 g or even full saltwatter setup they should also have a higher ph and harder water about 8.

And physically wil grow six inches plus tail, and live for over ten years

Oi did I miss anything? I would like to know even jus for meself

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