puffer fish


New Member
Feb 19, 2004
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ive read that feeding dawrf puffers snails is a good idea because they like them and it keeps their beaks down, but how would you feed them these? just drop them in the tank and hope they can find them or what? also what kind of snails are best?

thanks in advanced!
I get the snails that infest my LFS's plant tanks. I think pond snails are the best. Just drop them in the tank and your puffers will eat them.
I agree with diver how many u have each of them aota get around 3 each so the u have it HTH
i got 4 figure 8 puffers, and they'll eat just about anything. from fish flake, to blackworms, to snails. i prefer the snails tho, its just more fun watching. all i would do is stick them to the side of the tank, they'll come right up and snatch it off the wall. or you could always just drop them in, they'll find them.

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