Puffer Fish


New Member
Nov 18, 2005
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:/ I wnated to get a puffer fish but I came acrose to names. What is the difference bettwen a Lepord puffer and a figue eight puffer or are they the same. :/
i hear puffers are non community , as i saw 3 in my LFS today ( green spotted puffer ) and would have given all my fish the have the little handsome devil ( well maybe not all of the fish )
I've not heard of a leopard puffer, but I can imagine a GSP being given that name. GSP's are not suitable for communities, one of the main reasons being that they are brackish fish, that require full marine when adult.
The leopard puffer is the name often given to the Green Spotted puffer (Tetraodon nigroviridis) which grows to around 6". This starts off in brackish water which the SG needs to be increased to full marine as the puffer becomes adult.

The fig 8 puffer (Tetraodon biocellatus) reaches half the size of the GSP at 3" and requires a salinity of between 1.005 and 1.008.

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