Puffer fish HITH or head injury?



about a week and a half ago, I noticed that a pretty small, dark pit appeared on my auriglobus (avocado) puffer overnight. It's a bit hard to see from the photo, but I couldn't get a better one. It hasn't worsened or spread to other parts of the head, so I'm a bit unsure. Also, he's eating well and likes bloodworms, half-shell clams, various algae, and algae wafers (is it normal for a puffer to enjoy eating algae?).
so, is this hole in the head or just a small injury?


water parameters:
pH - 7.0 to 7.2
ammonia and nitrites - 0 ppm
nitrates - below 20 ppm
GH - 8 dGH
temperature - 76F to 78F

i guess that not that many people saw this thread when I initially posted it, so I'll reply to it just to get it active again
you might want to circle the area too because I have no idea where it's meant to be. post 2 pics, 1 with circle and 1 without so we can compare.

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