Puffer fish help urgent!

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Jan 30, 2005
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Hi i have a topaz puffer fish i brought him the other day he has been fine...swimming around and eating well but tonight i have just noticed he is only using one gill any ideas? :(

Just thought i would add he has been eating mussels and i have been adding a few tea spoons f salt into the water as the man i bought him from said to do it for a few days. Plus the previous occupant of the tank the puffer is now in (JD) has got dropsy and pop eye could that be something to do with my puffer only using one gill?

Plzzzzzzz help
Can you post test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, what size tank, how many fish which type.
I have no testing equipment left but it was tested around 2 weeks ago and all was absolutely fine.

The tank is around a 25 g with the puffer a bristlenosed plec and catfish (who are always hiding)

The man at the aquatics shop said he was a freshwater topaz puffer ( thats what they were selling them as) and he knows alot about them

The tank has been up and running for just under a year so it is properly cycled.

It looks like the side that his gill has stopped working has swollen up quite alot
Do a water change it might be your water, gills are the first place to suffer with poor water quality, get water tested to see if it is poor water quality.

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