Puffer difference and tank setup


Jun 18, 2004
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Hi guys, I just bought my setup today, and I told the guy that I wanted to get puffers. He told me that I needed a brakish water tank. I had the same puffers and setup 2 years ago, but I moved, and I forgot my knowledge. I said I wanted the green spotted puffers, and now he's telling me I have to make a brakish water setup, when last time I am pretty sure I had a freshwater setup. Am I mixing the green spotted puffer with the dwarf puffer, because I want the one that is freshwater... Thanks
I have a brakish setup already, but if there are entirely freshwater puffers I will change it immediatly. I also need to know the setup. I already know they eat frozen brineshrimp.... I know that at juvenille age they are hard to tell gender wise, but I really want 2 for my 5 gallon setup and I want to have them mate...
sorry cant answer your question but i think you might get a better response in the oddball section cause i think that is where all the puffer owners hang out, no reflection on puffer owners of course :p
The Tetraodon travancorius (Dwarf puffer) are fresh water and the Tetraodon nigroviridis (Green spotted puffer) are brackish. You will need about 1 table spoon of marine salt per gallon for a brackish set up...but to be sure the SD is right you should also have a hydrometer to test the SD. it should be around 1.010-1.015. the Temp should also be between 76-80 f. puffers are messy so you should have a good filter and do 20% water changes regurley. If i left anything out or am wrong about anything im sure some one will correct me just remember that I AM NOT AN EXPERT! but anyways i hope i've been some help if not try the stickies in the oddball section lots of good info on all types of puffers. 8)
dwarf puffers are indeed fw and the gsp are bw as said. you could definitely have two dwarf puffers in a 5 gal, but one gsp would get way too big for 5 gal tank.

as for sexing dwarf puffers, you cna't tell when they are juvies. but once full grown look for the following:

males will have wrinkles behind the eyes and when ready for breeding (when they're "in the mood" so to speak), they will get a black stripe down the length of their underside. females will lack both these. here's a great site on dwarf puffer breeding:


be sure you get dwarf puffers and not gsp or south american puffers, double check the scientific name when you buy them, as they can all look pretty similar as juvies.....................

enjoy your dwarf puffers if you get them!! and be sure to read the articles in the oddballs section for more puffer care information.
K thanks, I know I want the dwarf puffers... I have to change out my water now... Do I have to clean my gravel too from salt?
I have 4 dwarf puffers in an 8 gallon tank and I love them. Make shure there are hiding spots for as many as you get. When I first put mine into my tank they all kind of looked around like 4 kids in a new house and kind of clamed there rooms it is really cute. good choice one of the best fish I ever had. ;)
Yea, I went down to Petco and STOCKED on hiding things.. I got this great cave rock, and I have a perfect path that leads to a corner where the puffers can hide behind a plant... PERFECT for breeding.. I'm so excited.. :)

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