Fish Fanatic
im so confused!! is this guy a t. turgidus or t. leiurus?
1a ) Snout relatively short (eye diameter contained maximum 1.5 times in snout length); when fish rests, usually a hump is clearly remarkable on the back ----> Go To 2
1b ) Snout is relatively long (eye diameter contained two or more times in snout length); no hump on the back ----> Go To 3
2a ) Body with a distinct ocellus (eye-spot) on the side, always larger than other spots on body; spots on body irregular in form ----> Tetraodon cochinchinensis
2b ) If present, ocellus on body not larger than other spots on body; spots on body circular, the entire body more or less uniformly spotted ----> Tetraodon turgidus
2c ) No ocellus; dorsum not spotted, but with an irregular pattern ----> Tetraodon hilgendorfii
3a ) Belly not spotted ----> Tetradon cambodgiensis
3b ) Belly spotted ----> Tetraodon leiurus
Note: The systematics of this group are complex and the subject of scientific controversy. The nomenclature suggested by Maurice Kottelat (2000) is followed here. The key provided above is intended for the identification of live specimens whose origin is unknown. However, because of the variablility within this group of puffers, inevitably the key may prove of now use in the case of some individuals.