Puffer as gift ?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 30, 2005
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Western NY
My mom used to have fish somewhere like 15 yrs ago.For mothers day I was trying to get her something dif and I know she always liked puffers. I don't think we ever had one. So my question is... I heard they are not a community fish. So how small a tank could I get away with for a ( green pea puffer). How much work, hardy fish or not, and how small a tank can I get away with and how many can go into the tank? At my LFS they have 20 -25 in a 15 gal but, I'm sure that is way to many !!!!!!!!thanks
Green pea puffers (Dwarf Puffers) require about 10 gallons for one or two and then 5 gallons per tankmate thereafter.

As young fish they enjoy the company of their own kind which is how the fish store can keep 20 in 15 gallons, but as they age they become terratorial & aggresive and need personal space.

Flitration & very clean, stable water is VERY VERY important with puffers, so the tank bust be mature before adding them.
I don't want to put a dampner on this and it's a nice thought, but I don't think a very good idea. Giving a live animal to someone as a gift is never a good thing - even to your mom. Liking them and having had them, might not mean she'd want the responsibility of looking after one now. If I was you, I'd really think very carefully about this. Are you sure it's not you yourself that would like one but know your mom might say no - so it's easier to get it for her ? :/
since whatever you get will need a cycled tank, why not just get your mom a "water garden"? take a tank and plant it heavily and give it to her empty! tell her that its her garden but if she'd like a fish or two to live in there, you'd love to go with her to pick some. that way if she doesn't feel quite up to actually owning fish, you still gave her a nice and attractive gift. :thumbs:
I've got dwarf puffers and they do need LOTS of tank space (appx. 3 gal. per fish), two mature males will fight (females can usually be kept together), they need LOTS of plants and need to be fed real fish food--they don't eat flakes or pellets or anything preprocessed and sometimes getting them to eat frozen fish food is a major project (in other words, they like live food). They are super sensitive about their water parameters so you have to keep their tanks extremely clean--weekly to twice-weekly cleanings (they are messy eaters, lots of food drops to the bottom). They are territorial and will nip, sometimes to death, other fish they don't want around. They will eat all the snails they can find and sometimes will eat any shrimp too. And because they are so small and need so much room, and are colored to blend into the scenery, a lot of people complain that the tank always looks empty (of fish). So, having said all that, why don't you get your mom a gift certificate to the fish store, go with her when she cashes it in to help pick out fish keeping in mind the needs and quirks of dwarfpuffers (they don't cohabitate well with most other fish so community tanks are bad ideas unless you want a lot of half-chewed up fish).
bloozoo2 said:
Are you sure it's not you yourself that would like one but know your mom might say no - so it's easier to get it for her ? :/
That isn't it at all. I live 3 hours away and am over 25 yrs old. lol

Thanks to you alll for the info. I wanted to know how much of a problem it would be. Guess they aren't like bettas haha. I think she would be fine doing the work. But in this case with this fish I think I'll skip it!!
Thanks Again
pica_nuttalli said:
since whatever you get will need a cycled tank, why not just get your mom a "water garden"? take a tank and plant it heavily and give it to her empty! tell her that its her garden but if she'd like a fish or two to live in there, you'd love to go with her to pick some. that way if she doesn't feel quite up to actually owning fish, you still gave her a nice and attractive gift. :thumbs:
I think thats a lovely idea.
Michael Roth said:
pica_nuttalli said:
since whatever you get will need a cycled tank, why not just get your mom a "water garden"? take a tank and plant it heavily and give it to her empty! tell her that its her garden but if she'd like a fish or two to live in there, you'd love to go with her to pick some. that way if she doesn't feel quite up to actually owning fish, you still gave her a nice and attractive gift. :thumbs:
I think thats a lovely idea.
seconded, cool idea.

smb7676 said:
bloozoo2 said:
Are you sure it's not you yourself that would like one but know your mom might say no - so it's easier to get it for her ? :/
That isn't it at all. I live 3 hours away and am over 25 yrs old. lol

Thanks to you alll for the info. I wanted to know how much of a problem it would be. Guess they aren't like bettas haha. I think she would be fine doing the work. But in this case with this fish I think I'll skip it!!
Thanks Again
lol cool - just checking !! :lol:

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