Pufer Id Please


Fish Gatherer
May 7, 2010
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i got 2 puffers 3 days ago and i have forgotten their name can anybody help?

They look like malabar puffer or marble puffer, but they are bigger than 4cm which these types max size.

Can someone help?

It has a biggish head, has a black spot at beginning of the tail, marble green colour, they can move their eyes sepretally, white belly.
not that one im affraid, will try get a half decent pic (can't promise great pic as it from mobile)




Not the best pics, but might help

If you have some time on your hands go through this list,you cannot copy names,so get typing


YOU can copy lol
Possibly one of the Borneo Red Eye Puffer varieties?

Have you contacted the LFS yet to see what they thought they sold you?
Hmmm the pics are a little fuzzy but try these names in google:
Possiblity you just have a larger of the dwarf species. Are they freshwater origin do you know?

1. Carinotetraodon irrubesco - these do max arond 2 inches but you get larger specimens and these do remind me of the females.
2. Carinotetraodon lorteti - max around 2.5 inches again both posibly females?
3. Carinotetraodon borneensis - just a 3rd red eyed puffer version
4. Carinotetraodon salivator - possibly female again.

The above 4 are all in the red eyed dwarf species, all freshwater, the females of each of these species are similar though with better pics might be able to differentiate. I possibly could be going down the wrong avenue but more pics and water param info etc might help :)

EDIT: P.s definately agree they are not dwarf puffers!
Another thing to add that helped me between the two species (thanks to Neale)

Carinotetraodon irrubesco
Males: Dark brown, with grey to coffee-coloured bands on the dorsal surface; red tail fin.
Females: Mid brown, with lighter brown bands and numerous speckles on the dorsal surface; tail fin speckled brown; ventral surface cream-coloured with short, irregular, roughly parallel brown squiggles.

Carinotetraodon lorteti
Males: Olive green-brown, with yellow bands on the dorsal surface; blue tail fin with a white edge.
Females: Very similar to Carinotetraodon irrubesco, but the belly is unmarked with no squiggles. Their overall colour also tends to be a bit lighter.
Need a sharper photo, but looks like Tetraodon turgidus or else one of the other Asian Tetraodon "target" puffers. In either case, likely to be very aggressive and nippy, but otherwise not especially difficult to keep.

Cheers, Neale

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