Psycho Rtbs


Fish Crazy
Jun 12, 2007
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I have a very healthy Red Tail Black Shark in my 180L (he's currently about 4"). The tank harmony has been absolutely fine for months with everyone getting on healthy & happily enough with no major skirmishes. That was up until this week, on Friday I evicted a large (7.5") Synodontis from the tank and ever since then the RTBS has turned into a psycho bully I knew they were territorial so theres plenty of hidy holes and I thought I had it right but he has literally turned into a nutjob overnight. :devil:

Could this be as he is now the biggest fish in the tank although only by a very little (his tank mates are similar sizes and growth rates Clown loaches, Silver Sharks, plecs' and a Ghost Knife -yes I am going to get a much bigger tank in the next year) but right now he won't leave the silver sharks alone even though they used to merrily share plants. :-(

What to do? I could move him out but I only have a 96L thats cycled and now maturing and a 120L currently cycling so the 96L is the only option if I move the barbs out, I was hoping someone may have a suggestion. Should I get a bigger fish to (gently) put him back in his place or am I trying to push water uphill....don't want to get rid of him as he is the one fish my husband had a choice in getting!! However I don't want to see him terrorising his tank mates.

Confused or what..
it could be that beastie was the daddy of the tank before, with him leaving your rtbs wants to assert his aggression and claim his place as daddy of the tank.

try re-arranging the tank which will get rid of any territories and therefore put all the fish on a level playing field so to speak. however it's likely to only be a temporary solution. rtbs are known for attacking relentlessly any fish it deems to be a threat which normally includes anything with a similar body shape or colouring. clown loaches, silver sharks, plecs and a ghost knife could all come under this category. i'm afraid that stocking lists a bit of a ticking time bomb, and with the removal of beastie it seems to have gone off. time to re-home either the rtbs or probably most of the rest of your fish ;)
Yeah certainly does seem to have detonated something, I think I have some juggling to do or perhaps bring forward the 6ft tank idea into this year rather than next....Hmmmn...
after i inherited one the other week i have spoken to alot of people regarding this issue, i was told to remove the shark for a week or too and then reintroduce him to the tank, apparently this stops the aggression as he is the newcomer to the tank. just remember this was what i was told i dont know if it actually works as luckily the adopted son gets along fine with its tanks mates at the moment i hope this continues :)

I may well try the temorary eviction and redecorate while hes out see if that helps make him feel like the new boy
well i've not done it myself so can't comment with authority on it's sucess as a long term solution, but i expect it will still only be short term. whatever you do he will inevitably not feel like the new boy anymore after a while and then aggression can start up again.

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