Pseudotropheus Demasoni


Fish Fanatic
Jan 8, 2006
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Hello everyone i have some questions to ask please, after i had my tank disaster after we had a very hot weather,now i am planing to start over agian

Today i bought 3 Pseudotropheus demasoni 1 inch big how come this fish is so expensive i bought them for $45 they are very rich in colour

can i put these fish with an other 5 electric yellows 1 inch big do they go together , what other fish can i look for to place in my 100 gallon aquarium ,I have the glass ordered i will have it in 2 weeks time .

Thanks as always
Here's a link to some info on Demasoni:

I would reccommend increasing the number of Demasoni you have. These guys do not like their own kind so unless you are just keeping the 1, high stocking levels is a good idea to spread the aggression around.

Yellow labs tend to work well with Demasoni and make for a lovely display tank with the bright blues and yellows. You could comfortably house 15 of each species in a 100 gal. :good:

Demasoni are a little more expensive than most Mbuna - mainly due to their stunning looks but their population in their native habitat is also smaller than many of the common species.
Thanks for your fast help ,but what do you mean so unless you are just keeping the 1, high stocking levels is a good idea to spread the aggression around.
sorry but since i am maltese some words are new for me

You could comfortably house 15 of each species in a 100 gal.

And I am only allowed 12 of each in my 100 gallon :fun:

Only joking :p

Sorry m8, must be going mad - i though you had a 90 gal (4 foot) :lol:

15 should be fine in a 100 gal if the length is 5 feet
Thanks for your fast help ,but what do you mean so unless you are just keeping the 1, high stocking levels is a good idea to spread the aggression around.
sorry but since i am maltese some words are new for me


Demasoni are at the very high end of the agression table, mainly toward their own kind.
It's reccomended to either keep just the one in a tank, or 12 + because of the extreme aggression :good:

And fewer and one will kill off the rest :crazy:
Thanks for your fast help ,but what do you mean so unless you are just keeping the 1, high stocking levels is a good idea to spread the aggression around.
sorry but since i am maltese some words are new for me


No problem,

If you just keep 3, they will fight with each other. The more you have - the less likely they are to fight.

Same-time posting :p

Yup, mines a 5 footer. So I can have 15 of each? Thats awesome :shifty:



Easily and a couple of bottom feeder's. :good:
Thanks ,i will play the lottery next week so i win and go and buy more Demasoni ,that was a joke the problem is the only fish shop in malta had 3 Demasoni ,and he told me it is the first time he got some of them hope they turn out 1 male 2 females

Thanks for your help
I have 14 demasonis and 5 yellow labs in a 48"x20"x20" tank. And that seems to be not enough. aggression level is VERY high. It's not even enjoyable to watch. :-(
I have 14 demasonis and 5 yellow labs in a 48"x20"x20" tank. And that seems to be not enough. aggression level is VERY high. It's not even enjoyable to watch. :-(

How much rockwork do you have? Can we see a pic perhaps? Is it just aggression in general, or are certain fish doing the picking or getting picked on? Sometimes you have to remove extra dem males even with larger numbers.
How much rockwork do you have? Can we see a pic perhaps? Is it just aggression in general, or are certain fish doing the picking or getting picked on? Sometimes you have to remove extra dem males even with larger numbers.

I'm not sure about the size in gallon. But the dimension of the tank is 48"x20"x20".

Here's the picture of the tank. The tank is exactly 9 months old.


I think it's just aggression in general. It's quite difficult to explain. Please bare with my language... Seems like there're about 4-5 fish that are dominant. About 3-4 fish are definitely at the bottom of the hierarchy which many times can be found hiding head down in the upper corner of the tank or amoung the bubbles. The rest falls somewhere in between. The more dominant fish claim "houses" in the rockwork and stay in front of the houses. The less dominant fish stay "in" the houses and just stick their heads out - watching. When a poor small demasoni swims by, the owner of the house would dash out and chase him to another area, which would be in front of another house and the owner of the another house would dash out and chase him away to another area ... and this keeps going on and on.

The similar story goes for the yellow lab. One dominant yellow lab always stay in the center of the tank. The other 4 always hide.

So, most of the time, the fish refrain from moving about and the atmosphere looks tense all the time. They just don't look happy. (However, there's no problem during feeding.)
  • Am I under-stock?
  • If I add, say 10 more demasoni, will it help spreading out the aggression?
  • Will it be disastrous introducing new fish now?
  • Or should I even add more rocks?

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