Pseudocrenilabrus Nicholsi Tank Mates

I'm actually debating keeping a pair of these in a 80cm x 40cm x 30cm 110l tank. From what I've heard they can be kept with larger barbs, danios and characins such as Green Tiger Barbs (one of my personal favs, but normal tigers are fine too), Zebra Danios, Splashing Tetras, Chalceus, Red Eyes or Rosy Barbs. Also, they can work well with Peacocks or armoured catfish.
Hope this helps.
I kept these fish for an odd reason. I wanted to watch mouth brooders in action. I kept a lone pair in a 10 gal tank.
I have seen it written that inch for inch P. nicholsi is one of the nastiest cichlids out there. I am not a cichlid person (except for angels and discus). However, I would be inclined to agree with that description.
1. Once the fm is holding the male must be removed. He will never leave her alone.
2. Once the mom spits, its about a day before the fry are seen as food no family
My first spawn she ate. My second I stripped her and raised the fry. When I put the pair back into the tank, he killed her. He later spawned with a daughter. Ultimately, I sold off the offspring and the rest after he got tangled in fern roots and I found him dead.
The male soon after he went into the tank:

Female holding

Female letting a few fry out to explore, they were not spit for another week or so. I had not yet removed the male not realizing it was needed. He was removed soon after.
TwoTankAmin said:
I have seen it written that inch for inch P. nicholsi is one of the nastiest cichlids out there. I am not a cichlid person (except for angels and discus). However, I would be inclined to agree with that description.
I've heard that Neets are incredibly aggressive too for their size. Easily capable of taking down cichlids twice it's size during breeding. I've even heard rumours of them being able to take down juvenile dovii (6inches or so).
Slightly off topic though

I can't say I've ever heard of P nicholsi but they do look beautiful.

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