

Marine Moderator
Jun 11, 2004
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Ok i have waited and waited to see the thread where we are all asked.. Does anyone have one of these yet... when the Xbox 360 and the wii was lauched there was a load of activity but the PS3.... nothing... (looks at tumbleweeds rolling past) :unsure:

Xbox 360.. launch date. we had 17 arrive with no reserved names onthem. people were queing from midmorning to get their hands on one and we were sold out within 10 mins of the store placing them on sale at 12.00am

Wii... similar thing.. but we had people queieng up from as early as 6am that morning to get their hands on them..

Ps3 our store had 26 turn up and none of these were held back for people.. we expected cues around the store and none appeared.. by the time i left work at 8pm there were still no people cueing.

The next day we had sold 9 of them.... :blink:

(I was the 10th)

So its been on sale now for a good week or more and yet noone has started a thread asking if anyone has one or even if anyone has ideas about getting one.

I know that the price of them is offsetting but if you add up the cost of kitting out a 360 for full online gaming then its quite comparable...
Wireless charger... (PS3 built in)
Wireless box (PS3 built in)
Purpose built microsoft headsets etc... (PS3 uses any avaialbe blutooth software.. headsets.. keyboards mouse etc...)
Monthly/yearly subscription for xbox live (PS3 live is completely free)

Does this mean its not a popular console then.. are people waiting to see how it compares to the 360.. are they waiting for it to drop in price etc ?

What are the reasons if any why Ps3 so far has not been mentioned with the exceptin of this thread :rolleyes:
for me its bad rep... I've been a Sony "Fanboy" for many years and have only ever owned Sony consoles...

Its years late - they have been recalled, failed and generally VERY over hyped...

In all the time its been developing, I'd of expected a lot better from it - but on launch (in the UK) the games available don't seem to cut it when compared to the 360... I was expecting jaw dropping improvements over the 360 - but quite a lot of them are actually not up to the standard of the 360!

I went against the grain and got a 360 a couple of weeks ago - 2 months old - fully kitted out with 5 games - for £250 - even got the original receipt... It was sold to raise funds for the PS3...

I'll be waiting until the price comes down - and I guess I'll be waiting a long time as Sony wont want to loose more followers by dropping it too soon after people dropped £500 on it.
Too expensive due to the inclusion of unnecessary technology (no one needs a blu ray drive). Look at how all the first CD-Rom consoles flopped as they had them when nobody really used them (Mega CD etc).

Also, they are two christmases behind the 360, and one behind the Wii. That is the big time to get the consoles, and they have missed quite a trick.

The lack of availability together with the high price is stopping people getting them. That and the Wii has proved hugely popular.
don't forget the high price does put people off - even if you add up prices on other consoles, you just end up thinking '£425? no way' or something, also a parent would probably stretch to a 360 at most, whilst the ps3 is just too 'hardcore' lol
So do you think sony have shot themselves in the foot and not done their research properly?

Im not for or against either console but im interested in the ideas and reasons across the globe why it doesnt seem to be as popular.

I remember when the 360 was launched.. all the sony fans were saying... im gonna wait for hte ps3, its gonna rock and dump on the 360 from a great height.. i am an xbox fan throgh and through so i got one and waited to see the hype when the ps3 arrived. These same sony fans are now very silent.

Im not knocking the Ps3 either, i actually think its an awesome bit of kit and this is coming from an xbox blue blood
Funnily enough I just got a hefty tax rebate and have spent today browsing the internet for reviews on the PS3 as my PS2 has finally given up and died. I've deceided it's time for change.. but what to go for! I can imagine that a Wii, although fun, will only have a limited lifespan and will probably be best used as multiplayer. The 360 is the way i'm swaying but to be honest it's a little dated already. However, i'm not bothered about online gaming so just buying a core console for £200 seems like a good offer. I would love a PS3, it would make me feel elite because not too many people have them.. but i'm just not happy to pay the money. I'm in the 'i'll wait for it to come down in price' club. By christmas I might look at one, but what to do until then? Well, i'm just gonna have to find some fun from PC games!
How noisy are they. Unless the games are so mahusive, they wouldn't need the blue ray player, and unless the damn thing was quieter than a PS2, I wouldn't want to use it as my blu-ray player. You pay a fortune for decent sound and then have to listen to the whiring of a fan... nice

theyve basically tried to hard the blue ray players pointless the games suck and dont max out the ps3 capabilities and sony had no reason to make another console as the ps3 was never stretched to its full capabilities graphically

the 360 however is a basic mod on the xbox hence why there bringing another one out (360 elite) plus the 360 loses points for being Microsoft

the wii now thats a next gen console everything about the wii is unique including the sales strategy they are not saying buy our console its the best they say buy one of the others and a wii
the only problem the wii has which has now been fixed was needing battery's for the controllers

back to the point though ps3 too expensive, games arnt good enough to splash the cash on and it contains alot of pointless technology
from a technical point of view, blueray could well be another betamax, good system nobody wants. sony shot themselves in the foot a couple of years ago. they introduced copy protection on their cdr's, this had information on the disk that the OS could not see. microsoft took the view that this offered a easy transmission medium for comp viruses, as it bypassed all anti virus software. and so cracked the encryption and made it a part of xp. lol blueray encryption was or is based on that tech, so delays were inevitable.

keep your ps2, lol most of the games wont play on ps3 now anyway. buy a xbox 360 and a wii. and watch the poor guys who do buy one waiting outside the shop, to get it repaired, a day or so after they bought it.
from a technical point of view, blueray could well be another betamax, good system nobody wants. sony shot themselves in the foot a couple of years ago. they introduced copy protection on their cdr's, this had information on the disk that the OS could not see. microsoft took the view that this offered a easy transmission medium for comp viruses, as it bypassed all anti virus software. and so cracked the encryption and made it a part of xp. lol blueray encryption was or is based on that tech, so delays were inevitable.

keep your ps2, lol most of the games wont play on ps3 now anyway. buy a xbox 360 and a wii. and watch the poor guys who do buy one waiting outside the shop, to get it repaired, a day or so after they bought it.

I think that HD-DVD will be the betamax, and Blue-ray will be the VHS. The adoption by the manufacturers and the content producers has been greater for Blue-Ray. The board for the Blue-Ray disc association contains:

Apple Computer, Inc.
Dell Inc.
Hewlett Packard Company
Hitachi, Ltd.
LG Electronics Inc.
Matsu####a Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Pioneer Corporation
Royal Philips Electronics
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Sharp Corporation
Sony Corporation
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
TDK Corporation
Thomson Multimedia
Twentieth Century Fox
Walt Disney Pictures
Warner Bros. Entertainment

So.. its not just a sony thing. having warner and disney on the board is a good thing. I think that if the kit is quiet, then people with PS3's will be pleased they purchased it in the future. If its noisy, then it was a waste of time.

i think the unpopularity is because there was so much hype about the ps3 ages before it came out, and then of course after a while hype dies down and no one really wants to hear about it anymore, its the same with anything.
HD-DVD cannot be the Betamax. The Betamax was the better quality system that was undercut (mostly because porn favoured VHS) and fell out of flavour.

Most Blu Ray players are looking in the region of 1.5 to 2 times as expensive as HD-DVD. This will have an impact, especially since the titles released so far tend to carry similar amounts of data (despite the blu ray being able to hold more)

It is looking quite possible that because there is no satisfactory outcome here that this level of storage will have a very short life and be skipped to move straight on to something bigger and better.

Also, remember that a number of the TV studios (such as Time Warner) are backing both systems. So it isn't a matter of what you watch deciding what happens.

The reason Sony put the Blu Ray in is simple: get the player into people's homes without them having to actually decide to go for High Def DVD. They then hope people will utilise them.

I personally expect most people to largely ignore the format war. You need an HD TV to notice any improvement over DVD. Not enough people have HD TVs yet. And many people will not really see the need.

Holographic storage is already hitting decent development stages and it will wipe the floor with both formats. Terrabytes per disc will be the order of the day, rather than the 50 Gigabytes on the best of the current two.
see above to save space..


I agree with you on the quality front of betamax, i was referring to the fact that it lost out to VHS in the long run.

You may be right in the skipping the technology, it will depend on the how far off the holographic storage is from hitting the market at the right price point for the average consumer. It will be interesting to see how the uptake of HD-DVD and blue Ray will pan out, as people may get a bit nervous about investing in this new technology, as some people get frustrated with new formats. A number of people went out and replace films they had on VHS with DVD's and now theres a new format ;) . The one saving grace though is that at least these new players can play DVDs too.

I also wonder how many people will suddenly realise that their "HD READY" TV isn't up to doing full HD too.

I do like the idea of terrabytes per disc. Now that would be quality pictures. The video that flies through the BT tower for a lot of the live broadcast infomation that goes around the world is running at about 270 mb/s, so the quality is available. You would be able to take data straight from a digibeta tape and encode it at such a good bit rate.

Where can i read about the holographic stuff andy????


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