Ps2 Freeze Help.


Fish Addict
Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds - United Kingdom
Hey everyone.

I have a Modded PS2 which I have had for about 4-6 Months now and it's been working perfectly fine.
Now the reason I have it modded is cause my lil cousin likes to play it and he always scratches my discs so I clone my
PS2 Discs so he doesn't ruin the real ones, Now I have checked and it's legal since I own the original or so I was told.

Anyway I have tested it on afew games and PS2 Originals and PSX originals and PSX Clones.
PSX Originals, PSX Clones, PS2 Originals all work fine but when I try to play a PS2 clone the game freezes
on the Cut Scenes, Like at the start of a game you get an opening movie, It jolts alot and then freezes.

Anyone got any ideas why?

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