Proud Momma

Isn't that AMAZING? My first batch were about that old when they got them!

Come to think of it, my second batch IS that old...they're just so tiny, I can't see the ventrals yet.
Is there supposed to be a pic ? :dunno:
:) Finally got a photo when they got big enough...
They are 5 weeks old today


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:blink: Combo. Mom's a blue/black CT and Dad's a red/white butterfly. There's one I think is a male with dark fringing around the fins. It seems like the BF is the stronger of the genes. Most of the females are cambo's.

Losing some now - the very small ones - I think you call them bellysliders.
The cambos may very well turn colors on you. Bettas generally get the finnage color first presenting themselves as cambodians :thumbs:
:) I really want to get into marble crowns. I bred her because she was so huge and wasn't dropping her eggs. She was so tiny and ate half her eggs during the spawning so I didn't expect 300+ fry. Quite a few bellysliders so natural culling has and is taking place.

There's a good chance they will stay cambo as the father is red/white butterfly and brother is a white/red butterfly. But then, mother nature plays all sorts of tricks.
:) I've been checking out those cute little spiked tails. I've noticed that the dorsal fin seems to be elongated a bit - is that in the males? The ones I think are females look a tad rounder.
Yes, the females will often appear bigger at this age. The males will catch up though. Lovely babies :wub: You've done good. You shouldn't have a huge die off at this point though, so make sure the small ones get appropriately sized foods.
-_- There's a lot of sliders. I did a massive water change today plus the larger ones are now in their own tank. The larger ones get daphnia now while the smaller ones are still getting BS, MW and some of the daphnia. I'll see what happens now. Some of the smaller ones were getting picked on. You can see bite marks on the fins and tails.

I'll start moving some to another tank as they grow.

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