Proud Daddy! Woohoo


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2007
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I was well chuffed when i was looking around my tank earlier to spot a baby albino plec staring straight at me prob about 1 cm in length. Christ i didnt even know my plecs were breeding as i've had a few problems with the tank recently and had to clean everything and start again, 2 weeks later this has happened.

After further inspection and use of a maglight there is approx 14-17 that i can see clearly :blink: :blink: some normal and some albino which i thought was a bit strange considering that i only have normal bn's or am i being silly :blush:

Any way well get some pics up as soon as my batteries charge on the camera.
some normal and some albino which i thought was a bit strange considering that i only have normal bn's or am i being silly :blush:
I'm guessing both parents carry the albino gene recessively (ie it's there but doesn't do anything) 1 in 4 of your babies will have received 2 copies of the albino gene (one from each parent) and will therefore be albinos :)
I'm no expert but apparently to breed albinos you will need albino males and females otherwise the 'normal' genes will win over and thus produce non albinos.

My BN breed and the babies appear white but soon change colour.

As i said i believe this to be true, if not someone will correct me!

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