
New Boy

Fish Crazy
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
London, England
I noticed Ick in my tank on Saturday and went out and brought Protozin (UK product) as many people recommended it). I treated the tank on Saturday and Sunday (half of full dosage 'cos I don't have undergravel filter and half of that as I have scaleless catfish). I add another dose tonight and then a final one on Thursday. i also removed Carbon and turned the temp up to 80.

However, many people have said that I should treat for TWO weeks. How do I do this if the treatment only specifies a 6-day treatment????

please help
See my sig ich can only be killed in free swimming form. ;)
Thanks for the reply Kossy, I've looked through as many other posts as possible on white spot to get the background so thanks for confirming what I've pieced together.

I was just concerned that protozin treatment only lasts six days though and as my fish still have white spots attached (today is day 3 & some haven't reached free-swimming stage despite temp being upped)....also because of my scaleless catfish the treatment I've added hasn't been that strong anyway.

Can I add extra Protozin on day 7 or 8 or 9 or something?? Should I do 50 % water change and then add some more protozin?? not do any water changes for two weeks as Protozin still in water will kill white spots when they reach free-swimming stage???? Just don't want this to come back and bite me in the @... next week.

You should maybe add the treatment for a few more days kill the last of the bugs ;)

Will that affect my scaleless catfish? I have 2 bristlenoses and 2 raphael cats. I'm sure my cichlids and cyprinids will be fine

just keep an eye on them for time being, if they start to act funny then do a water change but continue treatment for another 10 days after or until every white spot has dispeared and then 4 days after.

when my tank came down with ick i used the same treatment but becuase i dont have scaleless fish i added salt 1 teaspoon per gallon every 12 hours for 3 days running along with a temp of 80F with an added airstone of course

Took them 2 -3 weeks to recover in the end but i was prompt with given the meds as ick will spread in a matter of hours, i then replace carbon and treated them with melafix as some of my fish end up with stumps as fins but all recovered now.

Thank Heavens.

Hi New Boy,

I would be very interested to know how you're getting on with this - I have a similar problem, have an ich outbreak in my tank, am about to buy Protozin as it has been recommended to me by the lovely people on this board, but also have scaleless fish in my tank (clown loaches) so am worried about harming them. So let me know how long it takes to clear up and if you have any further problems, it would be a great relief to me to hear someone else's story so I feel like I'm not on my own! :drink:

PS I have also heard what bigfish suggests - treat until the whitespot goes then add one final treatment four days later. Good luck!
I had actually emailed Waterlife n asked them whether to put half / full doseage when there are Clown loaches n black neon tetra in the tank (I listed all fish i have in the tank as well)

Got the reply a day later n there's what the person said:

We would recommend that you use the Protozin at full strength as you do not have any fish that are sensitive to the medications active ingredients.

However, I've never used it in this tank with the above listed fish b4. I used it on my betta in a seperate tank n am just curious if I can use on my clown loaches.

I followed the instructions (6-days treatment) n the ich is gone. But I did a 50% water change b4 the treatment, n waited 5 more days after finishing the treatment b4 another water change. So it's 11 days that the medicine stayed in the water.

ps. I added salt to the water as well.

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