Hi guys
whats the current consensus on protein skimmers on a mixed reef 20G nano. Do they extract beneficial minerals etc for the coral on one hand or remove crap for everything else? Dont have one at the moment and wonder whether i should. System been up and running now for a month and seems pretty stable.
Around 12kg lr with one leather, large mixed zoo colony, 5 head mushroom, one feather, one yellow clown goby, one yellow/orange? spotted goby, + CUC of course.
SG 1.024
25 degrees
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0.2 ish
luminaire with 2 white t5 and 2 blue actinic t5
external hydor 20 with 2kg live rock and phos removing bag
2 koralia 2`s
plan to add more soft corals, pair of juv percula clowns, plus a couple of other small fishies
i would like to add a small sump, but dont know how to do it without drilling the tank, any ideas?
thanks all
whats the current consensus on protein skimmers on a mixed reef 20G nano. Do they extract beneficial minerals etc for the coral on one hand or remove crap for everything else? Dont have one at the moment and wonder whether i should. System been up and running now for a month and seems pretty stable.
Around 12kg lr with one leather, large mixed zoo colony, 5 head mushroom, one feather, one yellow clown goby, one yellow/orange? spotted goby, + CUC of course.
SG 1.024
25 degrees
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 0.2 ish
luminaire with 2 white t5 and 2 blue actinic t5
external hydor 20 with 2kg live rock and phos removing bag
2 koralia 2`s
plan to add more soft corals, pair of juv percula clowns, plus a couple of other small fishies
i would like to add a small sump, but dont know how to do it without drilling the tank, any ideas?
thanks all